Be Kind Club

Welcome to the Be Kind Club.

Abiding in kindness for ourselves, for others, for the world around us.

Join the club.

The Be Kind Club aka The Coalition for Human Kindness publishes books, audio books, and a podcast showing how kindness can change everything.

When you join the Be Kind Club, you'll be helping us put more kindness out into the world -  one word at at time. We'll show you where to look for the kindness you seek when you don't feel very kind at all. 

You'll get free access to our audio books and digital copies of Here Come The Nothing Heads and BETTER! Self Help for the Rest of Us

Plus you get a free Be Kind Club coffee mug, because much like kindness, coffee makes everything better.

Members have access to behind the scenes posts, discussions, chats and meditations. We have swag that only members can get and wholesale discount pricing on physical copies of our books so you can help spread the word about the Be Kind Club.

Here Come The Nothing Heads

Written by Terry Lancaster

Narrated by Edoardo Ballerini

The Spine Bookshop is having its 2nd Anniversary celebration this weekend.Dozens of local authors will be there telling their tales. We all know it's Amazon's ocean, but owner Lindsay Schultz and The Spine are a liferaft for Middle Tennessee's local authors helping

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Here Come The Nothing Headswritten by Terry Lancasternarrated by Edoardo Ballerinipublished by the Coalition for Human KindnessAn epic poem for children of all ages, Here Come The Nothing Heads tells the tale of Sneezy McSneezerson, Grouchy McGroucherson, and Fluffy McFlufferson

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BETTER! Self Help For The Rest of Us

Written by Terry Lancaster

Narrated by Richard McCarthy

Tune in to these zen audiobooks and tune out the noise that keeps you from finding your way homeHere Come The Nothing HeadsWritten by Terry LancasterNarrated by Edoardo BalleriniPublished by the Coalition for Human Kindness.Last year, I went down the

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These Zen children's books can help your kids look at the world in a whole new, deeply connected way by introducing the seed concepts of the ancient philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism, and Zen.Here Come The Nothing HeadsIf Dr. Seuss, the

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If Dr. Seuss, the Dalai Lama, and Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski walked into a bar…  this might be what you'd get.An epic poem for children of all ages, Here Come The Nothing Heads is laugh-out-loud funny weaving threads from the

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Meditation is the art of becoming intimately familiar with the present moment.That's great when the present moment is like today's sit was. Perfect 76 degrees. The sun shining. The birds chirping. My mind was happy to cooperate. It's not always like

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Let's try a little experiment. Just for today. Just for the next couple of hours.Go out of your way to be 10% kinder. 10% nicer to the people you interact with. Smile 10% more often. Pause 10% longer before your

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There are a lot of wannabe Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuks on the interwebs these days telling you to hustle harder and dream bigger.But you're not going to check off those 200 things on your to-do list before your head

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[tcb-script async="" id="_ck_184716" src=""][/tcb-script]One size fits all may work for discount store sweatpants, but when it comes to sales people and businesses, different gets noticed.Automotive consultant Kathi Kruse and I talk about using your passion to separate yourself from the

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"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it," Ferris Bueller.Bruce Langford of Mindfulness Mode​ joins us on this episode to talk about how we can train our brain to not

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Terry Lancaster Eco Arts Living Podcast

I love this podcast! Eco-Arts Living is about the lives we want versus the lives WE CREATE for ourselves. We spend too much time focusing on what we don’t have the time to do, the skill to do or the

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Long Island Speakers

Thanks to Brian Cohen of the Long Island Speakers Bureau for having me on the Strategies of Success Radio Show today. We talked about setting big goals and taking small steps. We talk about gratitude and happiness. And we talk

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Angus Nelson - Up In Your Business

The Miracle of Now. All around us everything we see, feel, touch, smell, think or imagine exists as tiny bundles of light, particles of energy popping into and out of existence trillions of time a second, suspended in a constant

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My very first ever Blab appearance, live and in living color (via video), playoff beard and all! Host Jim Keenan and I discuss how habits affect performance, how streaks create ownership and how grandma taught you everything you need to

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Beer League Hockey All Star

Someone asked me once why I liked hockey so much. This was way back, before I had the slightest idea what Zen was or had any idea at all about meditation or being one with the universe. What I told

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Meditation for Dummies

I get a lot of strange looks when I tell people that meditating is my favorite part of the day. In some folks’ mind, meditation is about one step removed from witchcraft, devil worship and communism all wrapped up in

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The Problem With Porn

Late the other night, home alone, the lights off in the house, I was flipping channels and “accidentally” found myself intensely watching…. a late night TV preacher. Not where you thought I was going, huh? This wasn’t your stereotypical hellfire

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We don’t really like to talk about the voices in our head. People might get the wrong idea.The truth is most of us have an ongoing narration track running, but the narrator rarely seems to talk about what’s going on

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