How To Sell 30 Cars A Month with Fran Taylor

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Sell 30 cars a month by talking to strangers and turning past customers into lifelong friends with prospecting tools.

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How to sell 30 cars a month

"You don't get hate mail for being nice."

In a world where the car business is drowning in the alphabet soup of CPC, BDC, CRM, and ROI, Fran Taylor, author of "Selling From the Heart," and founder of Taylor Techniques Automotive Sales Training, is out there reminding everyone that it's still just a people business. If you meet enough people, and you're nice, everything else will take care of itself.

"It's like taking candy from a baby." 

Fran says he figured out early on that there are a lot more people OUTSIDE the dealership than you'll ever have INSIDE the dealership even on your busiest sale day of the year so he teaches salespeople to fish where the fish are.

Fran grew up in the mountains, far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life and we talk about how he had to overcome his natural shyness and learn to walk up to strangers to introduce himself.

He lays out a 1-2-3 system for talking to strangers from meeting and greeting, to breaking the ice, to saying THE PHRASE THAT PAYS!

The more you say it the more money you make.

"Who do you know who's looking to buy a new or used car?

You say that 15 times a day and watch what happens in 30 days.

 Your attitude gets better, you love your job. And when those people come in, you've got a higher closing ratio, more fun, less stress, and you'll get more time off."

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Yes you too can sell 30 cars a month

And you don't have to work you yourself to death to do it. Fran's all about building a life and not just making a living. 

Most salespeople are working all day from ding to dong and going nowhere because they don't have a map of where they want to go.

The first thing Fran does is sit people down and helps them figure out exactly what they want. What are your goals? Who do you want to be?

If you know what you're working for, no one has to prod you to work harder to get it.

How many cars do you need to sell to make that life happen? 15 cars month? 30 cars a month?

Finally, It's not who you know. It's who knows you.

Meeting people that one time isn't enough.

Selling them that one car isn't going to make your dreams come true.

If you want to sell more cars you have to stay in touch and keep your name in front of them.

Fran sent birthday cards and made birthday calls to everyone in the home -  Mom, Dad, little Billy, and crazy aunt Bertha who lives over the garage.

He printed matchbooks, magnets, sold by stickers, pizza boxes, shirts, everything you can imagine with his name and THE PHRASE THAT PAYS to keep his name front and center in his customers' lives.

His name was seen millions of times a year by thousands of customers... for the price of a couple of magnets!

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How to Sell 30 Cars a month

How To Sell More Cars podcast episode summary

  • What's making Pittsboro great? 0:00
    • Terry wants to make an appearance on the back yard of Pittsboro, because it makes him feel good.
    • Terry is the vice president of making shit happen, terry Lancaster.
  • Selling cars on social media. 1:21
    • Welcome to the get started radio show.
    • Today's guest is Fran Taylor, who is selling 80% of his cars on social media and people that he meets out in the real world, and how he's helping people sell all these cars.
  • Prospecting vs. prospecting. 4:09
    • The owner kept calling him about prospecting during his selling 30 cars a month. The first thing he started winning was his book.
    • The main thing is, you really want to work all those hours.
  • There is a better way to do it. 6:05
    • It only took him two years to get to selling 50 cars a month, but he went into prospecting. He went out every day talking to people and it was easy.
    • He really got into the prospecting tools in a couple of months, making a lot of money.
  • Selling cars for 10%" discount. 8:15
    • Selling a four by four box of pizza boxes to a customer who didn't want to buy the pizza boxes.
    • Selling 50 products in 30 days, and how he went crazy with more ideas to make more money, the more money he made.
    • You don't get hate mail for being nice. You do that 15 times a day, watch what happens in 30 days, and your attitude gets better and you love your job.
    • Once you get used to selling this way, you never want to go back to chase and latos.
  • Why do you think I'm afraid to say hello? 13:48
    • His biggest fear when he started was being afraid to say hello to people.
    • His worst month was when he sold 23 cars and went from walking to driving.
    • Scott took all the things he did for the kids and as well as the parents. He would call the kids on their birthday and say happy birthday, and parents would call back within a couple of minutes.
    • The more he did it, the better he got comfortable.
  • Why don’t sales managers take the salespeople out? 17:19
    • Sales managers in the suit and tie, why they don't do it enough, and why they're not doing trial and error as much as they could.
    • How sales managers can prevent salespeople from going out into the real world and doing this kind of stuff.
  • Having a social life and having fun. 19:45
    • He had no money when he started his first month, and that didn't stop him from thinking he could make a ton of money.
    • He's killing himself 7080 hours a week to make a living if he doesn't have a life.
  • Taking candy from a baby is hard. 22:14
    • The birthday box is like taking candy from a baby. People don't forget to think about what the customer can find. 30-40 times a day is a big number, and 365 days is a lot.
    • The first of the year is the best time to send birthday cards.
    • The last question will always be by the way, jimmy knew it was going to be good. He wanted to make some money because he wanted to real estate, and what did the race look like after world war one?
    • The speaker has been so blessed to have a lot of people around the country making 20,000 a month, 25,000, a month or more.
    • The workshop coming up in cherokee north carolina.
  • How to sell 30 cars a month in North Carolina. 28:03
    • One action step that a person watching the show today can do today to start making their life better to start selling more cars or whatever it is they are selling.
    • The 11 goals in his book, what happens when he narrows down to one thing.
    • The book is selling from the heart and is available on fran taylor and, and the 11 goals or you can pick your 11 goals.
    • Subscribe to terry lancaster.
    • Girls get out there and get yourself right, and girls get out and get it right. Get out there. Get yourself right.
    • Get out there, girls.

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How To Sell 30 Cars a Month

Full Episode Transcript

Fran Taylor 0:00
I see that some radio when I see little kids in the back yard I want to make an file or smile because why because it makes me feel good. And then when I saw course I did it using parents look around see what's making Pittsboro there maybe.

So that was my meet and greet them and say, Oh, that's beautiful girl. What's your name? Oh, Sally. No, I'd say by the way, I saw Boris you know that they were New Year's scoring. See that takes nothing. I mean, come on. I always said you don't get hate mail for being nice. You do that 15 times a day. Watch what happens in 30 days ready to get scattered. They love your job. And when these people come in, you got a higher close ratio, more fun, less stress and your more time off

Big Bad Radio Voice Announcer Dude 2 1:01
your weekly dose of inspiration or race or inspiration or inspiration and just the right amount of radio show with your host the vice president of making shit happen. Terry Lancaster

Terry Lancaster 1:21
Welcome to the get you started radio show. I am your host Terry Lancaster. It's a pleasure to be here with you today and I want to remind you if you have not subscribed Be sure today to subscribe to the Get you some radio show. All you got to do is text Terry T ry to 444999 go ahead and do that now. Operators are standing by midnight so you won't forget. Let me tell you about the guests we got on the show today and I was doing I was interviewing a salesperson. But a year ago about a year ago I put out on Facebook I said who's who sells a lot of cars on social media. You know what percentage of cars you sell on social media and a guy emailed me back and he said I'm selling 80% of my cars to people on social media and people that I meet out in the real world. And that's why I'd love to talk to you on to get some radio show and we'll talk about how you do that. That guy was Joey book. If you haven't seen Joe is interviewed you need to go go go dig it up in the archives and and listen to me talk to joy book about what he does over there and archives on how he's selling a ton of cars. But one of the things he said to me when we were talking, he says Listen, my life changed. The minute I talked to Fran Tiger Fran Taylor changed my complete way of selling cars and the way I go about it. And friends that was my hero. And I heard Fran Taylor I knew it. I knew what friend friend was doing but know much about it. So from that point forward, and that's been almost a year and a half. I've been bugging Fran Taylor to death. Grant, come on to get you some radio show. Tell me what you're doing and how you're helping people sell all these cars. Finally, we've got it down today. Fran Taylor. They're talking about selling from the heart. We're gonna talk about selling 30 cars a month and we're gonna talk about selling cars. The old way belly to belly eyeball to eyeball making more friends, selling more cars. I'm back with Fran Taylor, right after this.

Speaker 4 3:14
Make more friends. Some more cars 97% of car shoppers say they would prefer to know their salesperson before they ever set foot in the dealership. People buy from people they know like and trust and they refer their family and friends to people they know like and trust. Visit Terry To learn how your sales staff can get more reviews. More referrals and more repeat business by building better, stronger, more authentic relationships online and in real life. Terry Lancaster Dad or Grandma brother,

Terry Lancaster 3:50
thank you so much for coming on the show today. I'm excited to have you I

Fran Taylor 3:54
appreciate you having me. I hope I can help a lot of people.

Terry Lancaster 3:57
Well that's that's what we're here for. We're here. We're here to help more people. So so so tell me tell me what you did for Joey book that changed his life.

Fran Taylor 4:04
How are you what you're talking about was

Terry Lancaster 4:06
his friend Taylor changed his life. Well,

Fran Taylor 4:09
I get the credit to the owner. Because the owner kept calling me about prospecting during my 30 sales a month where can you see all these young kids they can see young kids are all young to make 20 25,000 a month and he said you got to come down from prospecting. It's okay. So I came there and I remember Joey walking up to me said just stuff work only didn't quite say it that way. I said only if you do it. And the first thing I started winning was my my book and the gold said and in that goal setting I told him Look if you don't know what it takes to make you happy, how are you going to be happy? I said you want to work this long hours. I mean, he was forced to watch other trainers tapes for two years. The first one he went from 17 to 30 parts the second month he got the 40 that he never looked back. And what I told him I said look, you know just become a master at everything. You know, step two sales and prospecting, learn how to get people coming to see you. And he was all over what a great guy. And actually we got a couple of guys are rockin and rollin. Can Sorento he took five vacations and this year I'm in a 20 year old young man going five eighths while they get it because they want to come to work. It's not just to make money smooth enjoy life to and then we're in we've got a couple of guys here rocking and rolling going back net score went from 260 or something, I think 536 and for best. Again, they build the credit but I can tell you I helped a lot of them. And we taught them to go out and look for customers on their own. And it's kind of funny because the more you do it, the better you get. Yeah, and the main thing is you really want to work all those hours every week for the rest of your life. No, okay, what are you gonna do about? I mean, you don't talk down to somebody, but you might look there is a better way to do it. Now I was lucky it only took me two years to get to 50 cars a month. But I went into second everybody else didn't want to do and when somebody says Oh That's old school does really matter long as it works. Like you said in my my book and my daily routine. It says no talk to 50 people a day outside the dealership. Well, I had to because we had 25 guys on the floor. I mean, you hear what you call hustle or putting in time it means nothing if you don't get results. So I went out every day talking to people. And it was kind of easy. I'd say hello, how are you? It's a pretty good new that's when I say better but it's so hard to really look into my god. Nobody wants to my administrator would say why are we people toward payments analysis payments, because they send me customers who use couple 100 bucks a month 30 years and never had anybody say no. Let me just start talking to them. And it's almost like cheating when you figure it out. I mean 50 people a day is nothing. What is 450 people in a month at a 3% Lettuce ratio which is 30 words a month without taking enough without a phone call out of nothing. And then I really got into the prospecting tools in a couple of months. The prospect of making tons of money

Terry Lancaster 7:34
prospecting tools. What do you mean by prospecting tools? What's a prospecting tool?

Fran Taylor 7:38
Well, I went crazy with it. And an aggressive guy but it's it makes sense to me. I'm gonna do it. But if you go to a Chinese restaurant you open up a fortune cookie right? Right. It would say save a fortune buy a car from France. And I remember having matches me and I hadn't been every gas station every tobacco shop around. You open up two matches it would say strike a good deal. Buy a car Fran Taylor. I went to a guy, Joe's pizza. And I said, Hey, did you use to 3000 Extra customer? Year? That's it? Yeah. So would you get 10% discount? He said, Yeah, what's it for you? I told him I sell cars. I said every time I saw a car for a while give me 100 bucks and I was now with a little four by four box on his pizza box that didn't buy the pizza boxes like other guys say I mean that's too expensive. I just went to my little squares and made a new story. See me friends ever ABC letters from them. I didn't make a lot of money from that. But I'll tell you where it made my money. When when the question was given for service, they'd come up say for your game more discounts in their speeches. How many one they said two I'd give them for these five. I didn't care. I didn't care. And my last question will always be, by the way who do you know love to buy new year's car? I mean, if I were had to do it again, got back and so I don't any town in 30 days. I'd have my placemats and every restaurant that would allow me to have beer coasters in every bar that would allow me I mean I just went crazy with more ideas, the more money I made. Yeah. And I know you got to spend a little bit to make money but see, I lucked out when that guy came in with a match on my matches. Is there where is this guy as well? That's me. So I sold him a car. That's when it started to click. Wait a minute. If I had this really frustrating to wrestle this many, how much would it make us had this? So I just get add and do it and do it and do it and after a while they were all out of the woodwork and I was only working 45 hours a week selling 50 products. Yeah I made up my mind right off the bat. I mean, there were some really cool guys there. They were making 30 grand whatever, but they were there from day to day long every day. That wasn't the lifestyle I wanted so I was willing to go invest a little bit to make why invest nothing make enough.

Terry Lancaster 10:13
So So what works better for you the prospecting tools where you're bringing in customers or the or the belly to belly tools where you're out shaking hands and kissing babies, which which would you say was better for you? No, they're both just as good. They're both just as good.

Fran Taylor 10:28
Just think about I mean, what do you got? I mean, I just did a live show with a personal training. The guy was saying that. And this guy sold like 13 cars. There's two days in a month, he said and let the world know what you do. I mean, I go to what I do today. I mean, I haven't been so important for years, but I see little kids on the back of grocery cart. That's let's see, I want to make them file or smile because why? Because it makes me feel good. And then when I saw Carson I did it using the parents look around, see what's made me convinced around there and be me. So that was my meet and greet them as they audit Cuba. Lo What's your name? Oh, Sally, I've got that. And then I'd say by the way, I saw Boris who'd be known of Enquirer news story. So that takes nothing. I mean, come on. I always said you don't get hate mail for being nice. You do that 15 times a day. Watch what happens in 30 days, your attitude gets better and you love your job. And when those people come in, you got a higher close rate and more fun, less stress and you have more time off. So you say which works best. You know, it's like most people do and I get asked that all the time which works best. You can track us back and forth. It's word of mouth. It's not who you know, it's who knows you. You see I was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt right off the bat to more people outside ready to buy than ever going to be here or being a sale. I understood that. So I got this but talk to me. And the coolest thing about it. You know you talk you get to pick 1000 bucks can be a customer I was in trust me that turned me loose. I'll go I mean, but I had to report

Terry Lancaster 12:09
Joey Joey told me when I when I was gonna go and he said he said the thing that really made me pay attention. He said once you get used to sell and gars this way do never want to go back to chase and Latos so my question is, why don't more car salespeople sell this way? Why is everyone standing around 1214 hours a day waiting for a customer walk in the door and and counting on him like he's like, I don't know if that's not like a rat on a snake on a rat. You know? Why? Why is everyone doing that instead of actually trying to build a business trying to make more friends. This seems like a lot more fun.

Fran Taylor 12:45
Well, the sad fact is most of our talk. I mean, there's more to it than go join a big church and go to some big company and then that's kindergarten training. You actually have to show him what works like, you know, I'm the one who started so by step that was me. I started at 1982. I started Magnus if somebody hadn't before that God bless him, I don't know. But I started all that stuff. But they're not a lot. And that's a shame. I mean, most guys just talking about closing deals, phone techniques, or product knowledge or something like that, or what goods No, you don't have anybody to talk to. I mean, there's a difference between limited words and busy works. I went and did I talked to a young guy today. He's going to join our private training. He said, we watch tapes. We go over some things and then it's up to me. Well, gee whiz, I mean, that's, you know, then they'll give you a book when you go to school and give you a test. They teach what's in the book. I mean, it's like when I do training with a guy and I take them out prospect. I say why do you think I'm afraid to say hello to my biggest fear when I started was I was kind of shocked

Terry Lancaster 14:02
to call you out now. I'm not sure I believe that.

Fran Taylor 14:04
Oh, I was blessed. I mean, I grew up in the mountains brown with no heat and water and all that stuff. My close neighbor was a mile away when you saw people in the woods. That's a human patient. We've got some noise. I mean, it was like okay, here the art good, but I'll tell you what got me over that. Right first one I sell to them on my worst month was my first month I sold 23 and went from walking and no place to stay. I ended up I got a furnished apartment, drove new Supra and went bought new suits and I had 1000s of dollars in my pocket. You didn't have to convince me after that. And believe you want a day that's when no enough and my voice tense when you convince the younger shadow of the doubt friend just go talk to people get out there. So yeah, once I got the taste a little bit of money and and to me it was more fun and freedom to go do that. And I didn't have a clue. My first six months. I just knew I just pumped it up people and I'm really not that talented. And he said that time I didn't think I was I was just nice to the world.

Terry Lancaster 15:10
has been nice making friends selling more cars.

Fran Taylor 15:13
was like yesterday I was not asked to get into cancer, but I mean lady said, what do you do? I told her and so forth. And we got to talk. And she said no one ever mailed me a birthday card. No one ever called me she'd drive in Volvo's, and she didn't make as much and she was the bed nurse. And she said what do you do? So I took all the things I did for the kids and as well as the parents like, I mean, I call the kids off on their birthday. And I call them up I'd say I'm just meant to spring and Taylor maybe some letters and I talked to Billy what Yeah, it's his birthday. Okay. I didn't want to phone I talked a little bit so you had that happy birthday and then hang up. I wouldn't get two parents on hang up. I can't tell you how many times parents would call back within a couple of minutes and say, right, and that was really nice to do. And then my last question, of course would always be oh, by the way, who do you know what do I mean Scott? I mean that phrase Love when you're talking on the phone, or out there making a ton of money. All you got to do is that no tell you to quit.

Terry Lancaster 16:19
Who do you know who's looking for a newer use? Write that down? Simple debt.

Fran Taylor 16:24
The more you say it, the more money you make. I know they're saying why people are passionate. And like you said what? Why don't people do it? I don't think a lot of our toys anymore back when I sold cars. I mean, it was so much different than now the manager tied up in computers and more news and stuff. But my manager you know for a week straight he took me out prospect and you hear me man right off the bat eat me while talking to people. And I didn't have no clue what to say. And when do you sit now you want to learn how to do it? Why didn't you tell me? Funny simple now you know what not to do? Go ahead. And once you show me a little techniques, like we got to do a little meet and greet. They can walk up to somebody and say, Who do you know if I knew you as far as I mean, that kind of work. So he perfected with me and he showed me and the more you did it, the better. I got more comfortable I did. And this led me when I was younger. I had no problem talking to young ladies. It's guys in the suit and tie. Why don't you do it? Enough and you don't do the trial and error as well. There might be a sale.

Terry Lancaster 17:30
Well, you know, in my experience, I mean not only do the sales managers not take the salespeople out the sales managers, a lot of times the general managers, the dealer principals, they won't let the salespeople wait. They do hear hear your job is to sit at his desk and walk this lot. They weren't let them go out into the real world. They don't want them going out because they're afraid they're going to waste time they're afraid they're gonna go you know, go to the bar, right? They're gonna go to the movies or build or do anything but we're not so not only that, I let them out they prevent them from going out in the world and doing this kind of stuff.

Fran Taylor 18:03
I hear that a lot. But our manager used to do that. They say show me your leads. So the people that come back with leads you can't go on the other guys that come back with donuts on your face and you're well rested. You stay here I mean, he knew who was working and who was you know, and to be honest, it's like this. It's like, you know, it's like a BDC center I give my I would give all the leads to the people who are doing the job. I mean, it's like in the Superbowl, you know, put your third string quarterback and I give to the players you know feed the big fish that they eat the runaways you know I hear that a lot. I hear people saying when it comes to the workshop and managers and we need for men something wrong with that, trust me. If you can let somebody go to improve themselves, something's wrong. But to me, man oh geez, you know, let him go. And I know dealer one time you give us managers it's 300 bucks a month. Every other day you take somebody out for lunch and tell him hey, you're doing a good job. Or when we when you're out get me a lead. Yes, we point out tell him Hey, nice job less fun for this week or whatever. Watch me and but again, the lead was it about that I could not sell cars going in and killing two birds with one stone. That guy now on several dealerships.

Terry Lancaster 19:25
When I got started. All that all the salespeople have demo cars and their job was to take somebody to lunch goes on to eat in the new car, you got a new car, go pick up your friends, take them back into the restaurant, let Him lead let him smell that nice new car smell and get a little bit.

Fran Taylor 19:40
Why not? You know when you're going out to do that everybody should have a nametag. Like when I when it was my first month I had no money. Absolutely nuts. I know this buy a coffee. You know what I mean? And I would say to him, hey, you know why they and they look down at your nametag here for a while they'll know your day for 20 bucks gone and then tag or maybe a couple 1000 bucks a year if you wear it. Yeah I mean, I'm going crazy with that. Polo shirts and sweatshirts paid. I mean, I had no money when it started and I didn't have money to do all this stuff. And that didn't stop me from thinking. I had shirts made today. As far as TV, France or any similar phone number. I remember the gas station guy said hey, you got to cheap trucks. Yeah, so that one prospect will do will make a ton of money or that 1520 bucks to spend. And you were that over time watch how many 1000s you make. So to me, it was like taking candy from a baby. One prospecting tool. If I say I spent 200 bucks on it over time. That's 235 1000 bucks. Okay, so if I had 10 how much you're gonna get? I mean, that's how easy it is to make 30 grand a month nowadays just have that out and said, I mean I did it like people after they had been trying these cookies and see it's not like it's been resolved. I mean, to me it was having fun the more you do it, the easier it gets more people come see you because nobody else is doing. Yeah, I

Terry Lancaster 21:07
mean, and that's what I'm all about. I'm having fun. There's no There's no youth work and you know he's killing yourself 7080 hours a week to make a living if you don't have a life and I got when I go into a dealership. A lot of times I asked salespeople right, sir, tell me tell me what you do when you're not at the dealership. And 90% of the answer I get is well, I go home, I drink beer, I eat dinner, I play video games and I go to bed. Most salespeople don't have a social life. They don't go out and interact with with salespeople with customers out in the rural world. They're bell to bell and then they're

Fran Taylor 21:40
home to bed. See this hat? American, I can do anything I wear. I look at that stuff every day. And like I'm not a rocket scientist. But if I want to go tomorrow's I find somebody who's good enough to help me see understood guys ways to be successful. Trial and error. Automated so much smarter. Good. Do what they do. So I was looking I actually broke down under dealership where there's one guy named Bae was selling 40 cars a month. I pretended I was buying a car from him. And I felt so bad. I bought him dinner afterwards. And we've become really good friends. He ended up being the general manager of the store. But if you're not going to go looking for it, you're never going to find and to me. You know I keep saying it's like taking candy from a baby once you get this prospect to stop working for you people don't forget to think about I mean you got a husband and wife and three kids get in refrigerator what 30 40 50 times a day or take that time see what the customer can find wonder if you think that's a big number take that times 365 days My name is seen millions of times a year for double dressmaking. How big is that? Guaranteed? Guaranteed? I did it. I did.

Terry Lancaster 22:56
I think period the Fran Taylor's devotees talking about the birthday box. Tell me about the birthday.

Fran Taylor 23:03
Well back then we didn't have the computers but it really doesn't matter now they've got computers if you can keep it keep everybody's birthday in a row. You know I put the whole family and actually it's in the back of my phone under delivery checking when I deliver car and get to husband wife and against. You talked to the old Groza I know to do it. I make a copy of your driver's side. Okay, that's better than nothing. However, they got a husband, a wife and three kids. It's five times a year I can contact those people and let them know hey, I still sell cars. I'm here if you need me, so love you. We talked about building relationships. I don't think there is a customer for life. However, you get a lot of customers coming back many many times to do the things they don't you know how many people call you and your birthday wishing Happy birthday,

Terry Lancaster 23:54
my mom. I said my mom.

Fran Taylor 23:57
I don't have too many people. Doing that but think about that just that it sets you apart. So when the new cloud or whatever on the internet, wondering about birthday box or whenever you get a virus in the Wogan disease and nobody can delete it. You know, so it's the old school way. It really doesn't matter though lonely to deal with. Think about you get 2000 names and your birthday says people think that's a lot. That's not That's six letters of debt. What's up with that? So to me and I just went crazy with it and saying we have a holiday cards in December. I'll be the first one to send it and I send holiday cards because you know you don't hurt anybody's feelings with different religion. Everybody has holidays like I said, oh they bought and my best month was January. We had a foot of snow and it ran out some 53 So in January I would call them up. J is free and Taylor to get my holiday card. Oh yeah, free. My last question will always be by the way, I knew it was going to be good 70 chords and I worked out 53 Jimmy was like, Hey, you're sitting there all day. Anyway, what are you going to do? We're going to go work. I want to make some money because I wanted to real estate and what did the race look for wonderful after World War One fishing. That's why I came to work and I got all every one I wrote down I got

Terry Lancaster 25:18
down but tell me about you got you got the workshop coming up this month, a couple of weeks in Cherokee, North Carolina. Tell me what you got going on there and how people can get involved with that.

Fran Taylor 25:27
Well, when I only do a couple of workshops in here, and I've been so blessed to have a lot of people around the country making 20 25,000 a month some more. And what's different about that as the speakers I have always do my class and roll 730 40 club cards a month. And it's like the one guy who was on 14 cards when I met him. And I think he did. Well I don't know. But I know he's done 40 cars a month. And he's going to share with you Hey, look, this is what I used to do after seven years and then as he packed he said, Hey, the training changed his life because he didn't. He knew how to self worth but didn't have enough people. So we showed him how to get to people. So what a great guy. His name is Dave play. We love that guy. So he's going to be one of the speakers. Another guy from Lumberton is a preacher. He was selling eight cars when I met him eight cars. We got into 30 cars a month. And he bought a couple of real estate properties and he just part of us squared off. And I'll never forget I went to his church Wednesday night. And we came back and as an Adam, what does he pray to God for something to get nearer to building off the bat back the very next days and when wife and I prayed tell me what to do. So I told him Man, this guy just took off. So you know, they're not professional speakers, but that's what keeps it real. Because here the depth of the good stuff over and over. They'll take home and every time I do a workshop, somebody jumps up and says sell 30 cars a month. That's the stuff you're talking about. They don't get to train for the most part like prospecting is a dying art. Everybody seems it's all winter no as part of it. But when you're shown a whole bunch of different things that they never saw before. Somebody's going to get something out of it. And we have a meeting the night before from seven to 10 that you could sit down and talk to him and that's cool thing about it in that we didn't do that over the last couple of years. And now and I paid for it to everything else. I paid for everything. You just got to get there and buy breakfast and give a hopper feed breakfast, buffet lunch. I want to take care of by the way, if anybody wants to get in that group I talked about we get free information like it's always 30 sales a if they want to go to the workshop. And then by the way, it's a couple guys around in town I bought a block of rooms I tried to be nice. I have seven rooms left and if they want to throw in free room I really want to help people and you know some of these young kids are discontent and I felt so bad. You know I don't know what to do. I do what I can I can't get everybody there

Terry Lancaster 28:03
to do what you can but that's that's September 18 in Cherokee North Carolina. If you haven't been to Cherokee, North Carolina in the fall, you are in for a treat it is it is a beautiful place over there. So and and you're gonna learn how to sell more cars. I'm excited. I'm excited to get there and find out more about your thing. So Fran, I want to leave you with one question everyone that comes on to get you some radio show. I asked one question because because people talk about this stuff all day long and you know people watch the bait, watch all kinds of videos and everyone everyone's got ideas, but ideas don't sell any cars doing that makes stuff happen. It's actually good stuff and so is every guest on the show. I need you to give me one action step one thing that a person watching the show today can do today to start making their life better to start selling more cars or whatever it is they're selling us. We got some people on the show who who aren't necessarily bar salespeople, but one thing that they can do, if you had to narrow everything you teach people down to one thing to go do this today and see what happens what would you tell folks?

Fran Taylor 29:06
That's real easy. knew these 11 goals in my book. Yeah, you these 11 goals in the book. What happens? I have a prospecting calendar, every event paid with a little bit of money and each parent. Like I said I started resorting to 25 bucks. And everybody laughed that nobody left for the left goes in several ways. In one time it was three grand and one page. You know, it's like a glass more. You can't see the water evaporating but you know, it's evaporating. So my big thing is a when you do the living goals and you put a lot of money each out watch what happens and a couple of months, all the little ones go away and actually start thinking big and start thinking, hey, I can do anything. And now you're starting to invest in yourself. I mean, it's there that stuff change for life, and all the rest will fall into place. Like you're going to step two is to have a better phone called mailer. It'll all come with it. But like I said in the beginning, if you don't know where you're going, they're lost. Everyone teaches about write down goals, but who shows that again, that book shows guarantee.
