Direct Mail For Car Dealerships

Service Mailers
Our proven 12" x 9" Jumbo Postcards can deliver thousands of customers to your service lane over the life of the coupons bringing hundreds of thousands of dollars in ROs. Big Money, y'all.
We can mail service coupon offers to your database, conquest lists, or every house in town.
But our service mailers don't just keep the wrenches turning. They SELL MORE CARS because the best way to sell them their next car, is to be the dealership they trust to service their current car.
Service penetration boosts customer retention. Big time. Get A Quote>>

Sales Event Mailers
We're talking about mailers so big, you can see them from space.
Direct mail flyers so bold & dynamic they refuse to be ignored.
Scratch offs and prizes so compelling, your salespeople are going to complain about the traffic.
Are you ready for the good part?
We handle everything: designing, printing, shipping, mailing, and the prize insurance. Soup to nuts.
What we don't do is get between you and your customers, and we don't take a penny out of your gross.
We'll handle the direct mail so you and your team can do what you do: Sell More Cars Get A Quote>>

Birthday Cards
Boost customer retention & satisfaction, closing ratios, and profit margin with birthday cards for car dealers mailed to every customer in your CRM.
If you want to have a customer for life you need to make a friend for life, and you do that by celebrating their life on their special day.
We'll clean your list, verify the address, lick the stamps, print a custom birthday card from you or your dealership. We'll add the personal touch with your pictures and your signature, and we'll have it in their mailbox just in time for you to call and wish them a happy birthday.
All you have to do is say "You're welcome!" when they thank you for sending the card. Get A Quote>>

Christmas Cards for Car Dealers
Show your customers that you really do treat them like family this holiday season with Christmas Cards for car dealers.
A lot of dealers say that they treat their customers like family, but not so much really. I'm not saying you need to have them over for Sunday dinner so you can argue about politics, but the least you can do is drop a holiday greeting card in the mail so they can stick it on their mantle for a few weeks.
Tell them that you love them every chance you get. That's how you treat family, and that's how you treat customers that come back often and bring their family with them.
Plus we do all the work: clean the list, design and print your Christmas Cards, seal the envelopes and lick the stamps.
PRO TIP: Earlier is better, and get a staff photo for the card, preferably with Santa Hats! Get A Quote>>

Buyback Mailers

This spring get radio and TV ads for your automotive dealership that stand out from the crowd and cut through the clutter like fresh flowers in a field full of weedsSpring Radio & TV Spots for Car DealersThis spring get

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Who the %@#! is Terry Lancaster?
I help car dealers and salespeople sell more cars, make more money, get more reviews, more referrals, and more repeat business by building deeper, stronger, more authentic relationships. I’ve worked with thousands of dealer principals, managers, and salespeople providing proven strategies for making the cash register ring.
Over the years, I've helped thousands of dealers sell millions of cars by putting the right words in the right order to tell the right story. How can I help you tell yours?
My #1 best selling books BETTER! & How To Sell More Cars have received glowing reviews from around the world thanking me for the actionable, life-changing ideas they present.
I’ve been featured in Automotive News & Forbes, spoken at the NADA national convention and from the TedX stage, and came in second place at my Eighth Grade debate championship.
Winner Winner. Chicken Dinner!
In my personal life, I've survived Cancer... twice. I've had a gun held to my head and a knife held to my throat. I've been inside a building that was hit by a tornado, onboard one boat that sank and two planes that I was sure were about to crash.
I lived through three teenage daughters and I've been married over 35 years... in a row!
When I'm not battling for truth, justice and the American Way, I spend most of my free time, like every other middle-aged, overweight, native southerner, at the ice rink playing hockey.