Zen And The Art of Above Ground Pool Maintenance

For years, I hated cleaning the pool. Hated it. It was frustrating. I was constantly thinking to myself and saying out loud to anyone who would listen. “Why am I the one cleaning the pool? I don’t even swim it!” I tried everything to get out of cleaning the pool. For a while we had […]

The Seinfeld Technique: Becoming Master of Your Domain

It’s my favorite scene in TV Guide’s #1 rated SitCom episode of all time: The Contest from the fourth season of Seinfeld. Kramer leaves Jerry’s apartment after he, Jerry and George notice an attractive woman galavanting around in the buff in an apartment across the street. He returns to the room 53 seconds later, slams […]

A Physics Professor Walks Into A Bar

A physics professor walks into a bar near campus every afternoon and orders two frosty cold lagers. He drinks one down and offers the other to the empty barstool next to him. Then he leaves. Everyday. After weeks of this, the bartender finally asks him what’s up with that? The professor explains that quantum mechanics […]

Three C’s of Social Sales: Close More Deals

Coffee’s For Closers – BlakeI didn’t know he had a name either, but he does: Blake, the sales trainer from hell or more precisely from downtown, from Mitch and Murray, from the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. Blake is sent in to whip a failing sales office back into shape – old school style with threats, […]

The 3 C’s of Social Sales: CONNECT With More Customers

You can write the greatest blog in the world… Create videos that rival anything Hollywood and Madison Avenue offer… Post the most perfectly pseudo sarcastic comment about your immaculately filtered instagram featuring the cutest baby wombat in the known world… but if no one sees it… It didn’t really happen. It takes two to tango […]

Learning To Fly: Meditating For Height And Distance

When Andy Puddicombe was a boy he went with his mother to a meditation class, which in his 11 year old mind meant he would be learning some Kung Fu, Jedi, Super Ninja type stuff, possibly even how to levitate and fly. He did not learn how to fly. But the concept of mindfulness and learning to […]

How ABC’s Dan Harris Tamed The Voice In His Head And Became 10% Happier

In 2004, Dan Harris was a fidgety, type A, hard charging war correspondent for ABC News, freshly back from the front lines and adjusting to life behind a desk but still in front of the cameras. One Saturday morning, he was the anchoring the news segment on Good Morning America, a job he loved, a […]

Anything Can Happen. Anything Happens All The Time.

I got up at 5 o’clock in the morning and ran the Golden Gate Bridge. Anyone who has known me for any length of time, knows what a ridiculous sentence that is. Every word of it is true. It’s still ridiculous. For the vast majority of my life, 5 o’clock has been a lot closer […]