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Win Free Car Sales Books from the How To Sell More Cars Podcast

Thanks in advance for the kind reviews.

And by the way, here's more free car sales training from your friends at How To Sell More Cars.

recorded live 12/12/2022


Terry Lancaster 0:10
I haven't done this in a while, although later on I haven't done this in a little while. It was it was prepositional last time way. A library of cell phones. I have a podcast which used to be called to get to some radio show and it's a couples that have its own podcast and focus on their breeding few books and have to have books on hand all the time and to get them out that out into the world where they could do somebody else's good somewhere

Terry Lancaster 0:56
give away that to one person, and we'll do it on December 31. And do it till the end of the year. So to say it's December 12. between now and December 31. You can you can put your name in the hat and put your name in the hat for when the greatest car sales books and sales books in general, and even none of other kinds of I'm in the house sell for farmers mastermind I've got a little survey all time and number one I put on that list. The very first one on my list and the greatest of all time is debt, Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. Again, multiple copies of this book. I don't know how long this year but I've got I've got this copy. And I've got another copy but whoever lawyers because you have a copy of stop worrying and start living and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Both of those rules to the game by Charles cannon, Charles the general manager of Texas, Georgia, California. Just a couple of words. were accepted died in the car business for a long time with the New Jersey. You're just getting fired up 100 Managing lessons are needed to get Friar clarity with Steve Woodruff eagles on the podcast on stuck together his new books more clarity

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This spring get radio and TV ads for your automotive dealership that stand out from the crowd and cut through the clutter like fresh flowers in a field full of weedsSpring Radio & TV Spots for Car DealersThis spring get

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Ridiculously Simple Car Selling with Steve Stauninig

It ain't rocket science. It's car sales, and it doesn't have to be hard.In his new book, Ridiculously Simple Car Selling, Steve Stauning and co-author Carson Stauning say that if you're ready to put in the work, you can sell

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pre-roll video ads for car dealers

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Free Car Sales Book Givefrom How To Sell More Cars 

Terry Lancaster 2:42
and more with you probably know Dan, Dan was on podcast a while back and he wrote this do more get more road to you. And I've got this for those of you who know Steve starting and if you if you happen to be an author and you get books and you're gonna hear on podcast, he was on my podcast years ago when he wrote the sandwich. He's got a couple of books since then. But Steve when he was on the when he was on the podcast, he sent me like a dozen copies of his giant yellow book I've been given away for years and every time I do I talk about Steve. Mostly so so don't be bashful. Share the love spread it around. We'll make sure they pass it along to someone who needs them. Steve James right here in Nashville. He's he's been a guest on my podcast a couple books that I've read that haven't interviewed often but I would love to Search Inside Yourself not mindfulness director this guy is he was the the unexpected path to achieving success, happiness and world peace. Living together again scan but something really cool on business. Review is basically mindfulness for Google. The Secrets to cold call success all nuber book more business make money speaking. Cramer guys Anthony Santangelo 10 times mindset and habits got to get his book right there. The power of focus this is a this is a great book Jack Canfield, the power of focus you need to read that one my favorite books I've read in the last 10 years probably smarter, faster, better. Charles Duhigg. Charles also with the book, The Power of Habit which literally changed my life. The things that I think about how to make things happen. Habit, not by you deciding to create the habit to get the work done. Nguyen our choice Tony Bradshaw, Tony's right here in Nashville, a buddy of mine. He wrote that book costings by Cody Bateman, Cody is in charge. They send out parts send out parts to save public the public doesn't or so we got this one better set up for the rest of us

Terry Lancaster 5:28
How to sell more cars. make more money and have more fun

Listen in on another How To Sell More Cars podcast conversation.We talk about how to close more car deals with special guest Chris Martinez, former Platform Director at Jackie Cooper Imports in Tulsa and author of The Closer: The Automotive Professional's Guide

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Audiobooks for car sales that keep you learning while the gas is burning. Turn your daily commute into automotive sales training gold.The best car cales audiobooksLet's call it commuter college.The average car salesperson spends about an hour a day getting

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The Definitive Guide to F & IHow the choices your dealership makes in choosing, training, and rewarding your F & I department can boost your profits, improve your customer satisfaction, and skyrocket your customer retention.Five-time best-selling author and former general manager Max

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Win free sale training books for your car dealership

  Terry Lancaster 5:56
most of those would be sitting on the shelf in your dealership. If you do a good like these for you or your team or your staff or the people in your life. Here's what I need to do. There's been a lot of times to the salespeople and dealers about about how the marketing process has changed and part of that is the importance of European Milan and everything else but DealerRater says

Terry Lancaster 6:32
enormously important business qualified for this now and December 30 implement the how to sell more cars. resales library. Once you leave a review go leave me a review if I did anything for you this year or sometime in the distant past to make your life better to make your business better to make you better to make your team better. So if you read the book in the Amazon review the dealership training and you're like that beautiful

Terry Lancaster 7:16
did a good job for you on Facebook. We hear you there

Terry Lancaster 7:27
as well. I've got a lake Terry Lancaster. How did I do? Forward slash dash did dash dash do forward slash the link so you don't have to remember all that didn't figure out where you would like to go say something nice about me if you feel like I deserve boxing. I certainly would appreciate five stories but a couple a couple sentences doesn't have to be more amazing. Say something nice about me. couple of sentences, different words, however many stories you think I deserve, and then send me an email send me a message or let me know that you said something nice about me and do something nice for you. Talk to you again. In the next couple of weeks Merry Christmas and take care

here's the link one more time again Please leave a review to enter. Thanks in advance. Merry Merry, y'all.

Car dealer marketing ideas, strategies & success stories from the pages of Dealer Marketing Magazine and Expert Panel member Terry Lancaster Dealer Marketing Magazine For the past two decades, I've been a contributor and Dealer Marketing Expert Panel member for

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Summer car dealer ads that let your customers know how they can spend less time shopping for a new ride this summer and more time enjoying it.Automotive radio advertising that cures your dealership's summertime bluesSummer was made listening to the

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Terry Lancaster Automotive News

Who the %@#! is Terry Lancaster?

I help car dealers and salespeople sell more cars, make more money, get more reviews, more referrals, and more repeat business by building deeper, stronger, more authentic relationships. I’ve worked with thousands of dealer principals, managers, and salespeople providing proven strategies for making the cash register ring.

Over the years, I've helped thousands of dealers sell millions of cars by putting the right words in the right order to tell the right story. How can I help you tell yours?

My #1 best selling books BETTER!How To Sell More Cars have received glowing reviews from around the world thanking me for the actionable, life-changing ideas they present.

I’ve been featured in Automotive News & Forbes, spoken at the NADA national convention and from the TedX stage, and came in second place at my Eighth Grade debate championship.

Winner Winner. Chicken Dinner!

In my personal life, I've survived Cancer... twice. I've had a gun held to my head and a knife held to my throat. I've been inside a building that was hit by a tornado, onboard one boat that sank and two planes that I was sure were about to crash. 

I lived through three teenage daughters and I've been married over 35 years... in a row!

When I'm not battling for truth, justice and the American Way, I spend most of my free time, like every other middle-aged, overweight, native southerner, at the ice rink playing hockey.

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