Social Sales: Reach v. Frequency | Steve Diggs on the #GetYaSome Radio Show
If you want to communicate with, convince, and convert people to your way of thinking… If you want people to smell what you’re cooking… If you want to touch peoples’ hearts and change peoples’ lives… You’re going to need influence. And the influence you have depends a lot less on how many people you reach with your message, and […]
How to actually reach your customers with Steve Roessler
I’ve got some good news for you. And some bad news. We’re all more connected than ever before with multiple ways to reach out, connect, and communicate with our customers wherever they are. The bad news is instead of that making it easier to get in touch with our customers, it’s actually harder to engage them. Today’s guest […]
Why Mike Columbus says you should stop selling
Everybody wants to sell more cars. We’re called salespeople, and that’s the freaking job – Sell. More. Cars. But if you look up Mike Columbus on The Facebook, it says his job title is Relationship Marketing Advisor. His job description is “creating relationships that last a lifetime” at West Hills Honda in Seattle. And on today’s episode […]
Salesperson or Media Mogul with Ryan Gerardi
Back in the days of yore, if you wanted to be a salesperson, you packed all your wares in a big black bag, hit the road, and started knocking on doors. Then the telephone made it massively easier to reach as many people in an hour as you could reach all day on foot. Now, the world […]
Bo Sells at Foothill Ford
Customers have driven hundreds of miles, across multiple state lines, past dozen of competing dealerships just to buy from Bo Sells at Foothill Ford. On today’s episode of the Get Ya Some Radio Show, we find out why. Just over 3 months ago, Bo started posting a video on Facebook – Every. Damn. Day. And the results […]
Gap Selling with Keenan
If your customers haven’t already bought what you’re selling and you have to dig into your magic bag of word trickery and whip out some super secret verbal judo to close the deal and make a living, you may be in the wrong line of work. Keenan, author of Gap Selling and today’s guest on the […]
Why 90% of Sales Isn’t About Sales with Shawn Hays
If you’re standing around the front of the dealership, smoking cigarettes, and waiting on the up bus, Shawn Hays from Dan Cummins Chevrolet has got some news for you: The Up Bus ain’t coming. If you’re waiting on your opportunities instead of creating your opportunities you’re at the mercy of the marketplace, management decisions, the weather, pretty […]
In The End, The Most Human Company Wins with Mark Schaefer
Most internet marketing is based on a big lie, and here it is: I’ll be able to replicate my way to riches, automate my way to greater sales, sit back on the beach with a fruity umbrella drink, and let the money just roll in. Most internet marketing seeks to eliminate the human factor, but best selling […]
50/50 is a Losing Proposition. It’s All About Them with Bob Burg
Sales isn’t about talking other people into buying something they don’t want or need. That’s called conning. Sales is about finding out what the customer wants, needs, and desires. Then helping them get it, says Bob Burg, today’s guest on the Get Ya Some Radio Show. Bob is the million selling author of The Go-Giver and the […]
What Does It Mean To Be A Salesperson in A Digital Era – Automotive & Real Estate
The robots are coming for your job… or at least your commission! David Cribbs, today’s guest on the Get Ya Some Radio Show, has watched the revolution in the retail automotive business and he’s watching it happen now in real estate. Third-parties, vendors, websites, and apps are changing the way business is done, changing the role […]