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In The Time of the Oddly Curious Squirrel

Yesterday I watched two deer nap for an hour, held a tadpole in my bare hands & made up close and personal eye contact with an oddly curious squirrel all while sitting on my deck less than a mile from one of the busiest interstates in the southeastern US. Just a wee bit of kindness to […]

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A Meditation on Meditation

Meditation is the art of becoming intimately familiar with the present moment. That’s great when the present moment is like today’s sit was. Perfect 76 degrees. The sun shining. The birds chirping. My mind was happy to cooperate.  It’s not always like that. Some days are cloudy. Chilly. Punctuated by random interruptions from mankind and machinery. And some […]

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Joey Little – Maybe It’s Me

Joey Little on the #GetYaSome Radio Show talking about Social Sales, keeping your opinions to yourself, and The Taylor Swift Effect. Taylor Swift made a good living for a good long time by writing hit pop songs about how her ex boyfriends were all complete and total jerkwads. Every single one of them. Either she’s had just an […]

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The Sales Power of Authenticity & Mindfulness with Nancy Stevens

“When a person feels validated, listened to, that opens up a whole other way of connection, trust, and rapport. That is huge.” Nancy Stevens, co-author of the “Beauty of Authenticity,” and today’s guest on the Get Ya Some Radio Show says we often get so caught up in our own thoughts, worries, and plans that we […]

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How To Sell 100 Cars a Month with Ali Reda

Ali Reda, world record breaking car salesperson and author of How to Sell 100 Cars A Month tells how he sells more cars with the power of presence “It starts with the mindset that I’m not selling to one person, I’m selling to a family of people.” – Ali Reda #HowToSellMoreCars Click to Tweet Share […]

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Kathi Kruse – Your Passion Attracts Your People

One size fits all may work for discount store sweatpants, but when it comes to sales people and businesses, different gets noticed. Automotive consultant Kathi Kruse and I talk about using your passion to separate yourself from the sea of sameness. Unless you’ve got Super Bowl ad money, you’re going to have to budget yourself. You have […]

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Give Your Brain A Break With Bruce Langford

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it,” Ferris Bueller. Bruce Langford of Mindfulness Mode​ joins us on this episode to talk about how we can train our brain to not miss life. We talk about how job performance is intricately related to job satisfaction and your […]

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Everyone’s Got A Plan Until They Get Punched In the Mouth

On the Giving Voice To Your Story Podcast today, I had the chance to speak with Dorit Sasson about how perfectionism is just fear in disguise. How we plan ourselves into paralysis waiting for the perfect opportunity, waiting for all the pieces to fall into place, waiting until the time is right. Everyone’s Got A […]

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How To Stay Focused When Losing Focus Can Get You Killed

Most of us spend around half our lives lost in thought, wandering around the nooks and crannies in our mind, mostly oblivious to the real world right in front of our nose. We miss exits on the interstate. We walk into rooms with no idea why we did such a thing. And now we’ve all […]

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How ABC’s Dan Harris Tamed The Voice In His Head And Became 10% Happier

In 2004, Dan Harris was a fidgety, type A, hard charging war correspondent for ABC News, freshly back from the front lines and adjusting to life behind a desk but still in front of the cameras. One Saturday morning, he was the anchoring the news segment on Good Morning America, a job he loved, a […]
