Do You Believe In Miracles?

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” – Albert Einstein I think Ol’ Uncle Al may have been understating the obvious. Anyone who has decided that there’s no such thing as miracles just isn’t paying attention. Right now, […]

How To Make $500 Bucks A Night Selling Salty Snacks

What’s the difference between a college kid making $15 bucks a night selling candy at professional sporting events and a local celebrity bringing in $500 bucks a night from those same grandstands? Attitude, action and the willingness to be more, to be better. In 1996, Dave Kerpen was a college student selling concessions at Boston […]

How Itty Bitty, Teeny Weenie, Tiny Little Habits Can Change Your Life

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last,” according to motivational legend Zig Ziglar. “Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” That makes for a nice motivational poster or instagram meme, but it turns out that people are right. Motivation doesn’t last because change is hard and motivation decreases over time as we […]

The Big Lie Fat People Tell Ourselves

Losing weight isn’t like quitting smoking or drinking or heroin or anything else, we say. People can quit smoking cold turkey. You can stop drinking and never have to touch another glass of alcohol. Once you’re off the needle, you’re off the needle. You don’t have to smoke, drink or sniff glue, but I’m addicted […]

Quit Trying To Get Into Shape And Just Be The Shape You’re In, Better

Marathoners and other endurance athletes talk about “hitting the wall,” when their body has done all it can do, burned up all its energy and just gives up. For a fine tuned athlete that could happen 15-20 miles into a 26 mile race. For most people I hang out with “The Wall” happens somewhere between […]

Life Is Not A Spectator Sport. Play More. Watch Less.

I’m a little uncomfortable with the whole concept of spectator sports. Spectator sports is an oxymoron like government efficiency and well behaved children. The truth of the matter is that spectator sports is pornography. Not lock the office door, turn down he volume and clear the browser history pornography, but pornographic in the sense that […]

At Long Last Our National Nightmare Is Over

I have to admit, I’ve felt a little out of place over the last week since the whole Phil Robertson Ducky Dynasty Debacle began, but rumors on the interwebs today report that A&E has decided to let Phil return to nest and keep the golden egg warm (insert gasp and shocked expression here) at least […]