Blog Writing Service

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I've helped thousands of small businesses and entrepreneurs create billions in revenue by putting the right words in the right order to tell the right story. 

How can I help you tell yours? Schedule A Call>>

My superpowers are building lasting, meaningful relationships and communicating complicated ideas with radical clarity.

I put words together in a pleasing order to achieve a desired result whether it's changing your world or selling more of whatever it is you're selling.

I write blog posts, websites, radio & TV commercials, video scripts, #1 best-selling books, plus the occasional dirty limerick and bathroom stall graffiti:

For a good time call 615-804-0311.

automotive sales training
Radio & television ads fro car dealers
How to sell more cars with better customer retention
direct mail for car dealers
sell more cars with better content

Blog Writing Services

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A new engaging SEO-ready blog post







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Welcome to the Be Kind Club.Abiding in kindness for ourselves, for others, for the world around us.Join the club.The Be Kind Club aka The Coalition for Human Kindness publishes books, audio books, and a podcast showing how kindness can change

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The Spine Bookshop is having its 2nd Anniversary celebration this weekend.Dozens of local authors will be there telling their tales. We all know it's Amazon's ocean, but owner Lindsay Schultz and The Spine are a liferaft for Middle Tennessee's local authors helping

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Spring Radio and TV ads for car dealers

This spring get radio and TV ads for your automotive dealership that stand out from the crowd and cut through the clutter like fresh flowers in a field full of weedsSpring Radio & TV Spots for Car DealersThis spring get

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Ridiculously Simple Car Selling with Steve Stauninig

It ain't rocket science. It's car sales, and it doesn't have to be hard.In his new book, Ridiculously Simple Car Selling, Steve Stauning and co-author Carson Stauning say that if you're ready to put in the work, you can sell

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pre-roll video ads for car dealers

Pre-Roll Video Ads for Car DealersPre-Roll Video Ads for Car DealersClose More Car Sales Listen in on another How To Sell More Cars podcast conversation.We talk about how to close more car deals with special guest Chris Martinez, former Platform Director at

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Here Come The Nothing Headswritten by Terry Lancasternarrated by Edoardo Ballerinipublished by the Coalition for Human KindnessAn epic poem for children of all ages, Here Come The Nothing Heads tells the tale of Sneezy McSneezerson, Grouchy McGroucherson, and Fluffy McFlufferson

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Tune in to these zen audiobooks and tune out the noise that keeps you from finding your way homeHere Come The Nothing HeadsWritten by Terry LancasterNarrated by Edoardo BalleriniPublished by the Coalition for Human Kindness.Last year, I went down the

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Ridiculously Simple Car Selling with Steve Stauninig

It ain't rocket science. It's car sales, and it doesn't have to be hard.In his new book, Ridiculously Simple Car Selling, Steve Stauning and co-author Carson Stauning say that if you're ready to put in the work, you can sell

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pre-roll video ads for car dealers

Pre-Roll Video Ads for Car DealersPre-Roll Video Ads for Car DealersClose More Car Sales Listen in on another How To Sell More Cars podcast conversation.We talk about how to close more car deals with special guest Chris Martinez, former Platform Director at

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Terry Lancaster Automotive News

Who the %@#! is Terry Lancaster?

I help car dealers, salespeople, business owners and entrepreneurs  make more money, get more reviews, more referrals, and more repeat business by building deeper, stronger, more authentic relationships. I’ve worked with thousands of business owners, managers, and salespeople providing proven strategies for making the cash register ring.

Over the years, I've helped thousands of small businesses create billions in profit by putting the right words in the right order to tell the right story. How can I help you tell yours?

My #1 best selling books BETTER! & How To Sell More Cars have received glowing reviews from around the world thanking me for the actionable, life-changing ideas they present.

I’ve been featured in Automotive News & Forbes, spoken at the NADA national convention and from the TedX stage, and came in second place at my Eighth Grade debate championship.

Winner Winner. Chicken Dinner!

In my personal life, I've survived Cancer... twice. I've had a gun held to my head and a knife held to my throat. I've been inside a building that was hit by a tornado, onboard one boat that sank and two planes that I was sure were about to crash. 

I lived through three teenage daughters and I've been married over 35 years... in a row!

When I'm not battling for truth, justice and the American Way, I spend most of my free time, like every other middle-aged, overweight, native southerner, at the ice rink playing hockey.

How to sell more cars book by terry lancaster on amazon
automotive sales training
Radio & television ads fro car dealers
How to sell more cars with better customer retention
direct mail for car dealers
sell more cars with better content