Blog Archives

Female Voice Overs for Car Dealer Marketing

Radio & TV spots for car dealers that reach out and grab you by the ears… Just like grandma used to do, but these female voice overs definitely don’t sound like your granny! GET QUOTE>> Share 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 Female voices for radio and TV spots Female voiceovers for car dealers Presidents Day […]

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Automotive Marketing In A Recession

Automotive Marketing in a RecessionIs we is or is we ain’t? Everybody seems afraid of using the R word right now, but the times they are a-changing. Delinquencies, repossessions, interest rates, and price reluctance are up. Loan approval and traffic are down. These are the facts and the facts are not in dispute. The only thing that […]

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Year-End Clearance Radio Ads for Car Dealers

Pay Off the holiday bills, take a little vacationor spend it all on lottery tickets and eggnog. It’s your money Share 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 Who the %@#! is Terry Lancaster?I help car dealers and salespeople sell more cars, make more money, get more reviews, more referrals, and more repeat business by building deeper, stronger, […]

Blog Archives

How To Sell More Cars in 2023

HOW TO SELL MORE CARS TOWN HALLAutomotive marketing ideas for 2023 – listen in as dealers, managers, and salespeople discuss how to sell more cars in the new year with Terry Lancaster from How To Sell More Cars & Andrew Schultz from Theory of 5. Share 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 How to sell more […]

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Holiday Television Ads For Car Dealers

Holiday TV ads for car dealers that cut straight through the eggnog, grab you by the mistletoe, and put a little jingle in ol’ Santa’s jangle. if you know what I mean.  Ho Ho Ho, y’all! Share 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 Holiday television ads for car dealers The competition is tough this time of year.  Customers […]

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Used Car Radio Ads

Attention-grabbing, action-inducing, memory-tickling used car radio ads. Buckle up and listen in! Share 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 You’ve got more used car inventory than you can shake a stick at, and you’re ready to make a deal to move the steel.For the first time in a long time, used car inventory is piling up, […]

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How To Sell More Cars in the 4th Quarter

Listen in on the How to Sell More Cars town hall as automobile dealers, managers, & salespeople chat about their marketing plans for the 4th quarter. The Fight to the Finish. #HowToSellMoreCars in the 4th quarter. How are you going to dominate the last few months of 2022? Click to Tweet Share 0 Share 0 […]

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Christmas Radio Ads For Car Dealers

Automotive radio advertising for the holidays. Let customers know how your dealership will give them their bestest Christmas ever. Get Quote>> Share 0 Share 0 Holiday and Christmas Radio Spots for Car Dealers It’s the holiday shopping season and everybody has their hands out. Your dealership has a choice to make. You can let them line up […]

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Christmas Cards For Car Dealers

Show your customers that you really do treat them like family this holiday season with Christmas Cards for car dealers. Share 0 Share 0 Christmas Cards for Car DealersA lot of dealers say that they treat their customers like family, but not so much really. I’m not saying you need to have them over for […]

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Bad Credit Radio Ads for Car Dealers

Bad credit radio ads for car dealers. Let them know you can help, even if their credit score is so bad their momma won’t loan them money Share 0 Share 0 Bad Credit Radio Ads for Car DealersRadio spots that cut through the clutter. The kind that make you stop and pay attention. Ads that […]