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A Physics Professor Walks Into A Bar

A physics professor walks into a bar near campus every afternoon and orders two frosty cold lagers. He drinks one down and offers the other to the empty barstool next to him. Then he leaves. Everyday. After weeks of this, the bartender finally asks him what’s up with that? The professor explains that quantum mechanics […]

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How To Make $500 Bucks A Night Selling Salty Snacks

What’s the difference between a college kid making $15 bucks a night selling candy at professional sporting events and a local celebrity bringing in $500 bucks a night from those same grandstands? Attitude, action and the willingness to be more, to be better. In 1996, Dave Kerpen was a college student selling concessions at Boston […]

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The Only Way To Do It Is To Do It

A while back, I was talking to my three daughters about potential career paths when I mentioned becoming a pharmacist. My youngest daughter rolled her eyes and said “That sounds boring.” My older twin daughters, who turn 18 today, chimed in, in unison: “That’s why they call it work.” I taught them that. And I’m […]