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From radio and TV ads with powerful calls to action to digital ads that follow your best customers around the internet until they either buy something or file a restraining order - I can help.

Over the last three decades, I've helped thousands of businesses solve their marketing problems with actionable ideas that make the cash register ring.

Let's set up a discovery call to find out how I may be of service.

Call or Text: (615) 804-0311

Radio & television ads for car dealers
How to sell more cars with better customer retention
direct mail for car dealers
sell more cars with better content

Welcome to the Be Kind Club.Abiding in kindness for ourselves, for others, for the world around us.Join the club.The Be Kind Club aka The Coalition for Human Kindness publishes books, audio books, and a podcast showing how kindness can change

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The Spine Bookshop is having its 2nd Anniversary celebration this weekend.Dozens of local authors will be there telling their tales. We all know it's Amazon's ocean, but owner Lindsay Schultz and The Spine are a liferaft for Middle Tennessee's local authors helping

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Spring Radio and TV ads for car dealers

This spring get radio and TV ads for your automotive dealership that stand out from the crowd and cut through the clutter like fresh flowers in a field full of weedsSpring Radio & TV Spots for Car DealersThis spring get

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Ridiculously Simple Car Selling with Steve Stauninig

It ain't rocket science. It's car sales, and it doesn't have to be hard.In his new book, Ridiculously Simple Car Selling, Steve Stauning and co-author Carson Stauning say that if you're ready to put in the work, you can sell

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pre-roll video ads for car dealers

Pre-Roll Video Ads for Car DealersPre-Roll Video Ads for Car DealersClose More Car Sales Listen in on another How To Sell More Cars podcast conversation.We talk about how to close more car deals with special guest Chris Martinez, former Platform Director at

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