Why You Should Never Follow Up with Your Customers with Dave Clayton
Whatever you do, quit following up with your customers. “It’s not about following up,” says Dave Clayton of Tidelands Ford on Today’s #GetYaSome Radio Show. It’s about remembering that you were in someone’s life and choosing to intentionally go back into their life to see how the heck they’re doing. “Even just hearing the word “Follow up” I […]
How To Sell 30 Cars A Month with Fran Taylor
Sell 30 cars a month by talking to strangers and turning past customers into lifelong friends with prospecting tools.For more free car sales training subscribe to the How To Sell More Cars podcast at youtube, amazon, apple, iheart, or linkedIn How to sell 30 cars a month”You don’t get hate mail for being nice.”In a world where the car business […]
The Competition Isn’t Your Competition; The Noise Is with Steve Woodruff
Did you ever meet someone and ask them what they do, then listen intently for 5 minutes while they explain that they “strategize synergies in algorithmic optimization across vertical marketplaces with an emphasis on team cohesiveness, functionality, and productivity”? What the what?? In today’s episode, I chat with Steve Woodruff about why that happens, why it’s important […]