How To Sell 100 Cars a Month with Ali Reda
Ali Reda, world record breaking car salesperson and author of How to Sell 100 Cars A Month tells how he sells more cars with the power of presence “It starts with the mindset that I’m not selling to one person, I’m selling to a family of people.” – Ali Reda #HowToSellMoreCars Click to Tweet Share […]
Jon Dwoskin – Thinking Big & Acting Small
There are a lot of wannabe Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuks on the interwebs these days telling you to hustle harder and dream bigger. But you’re not going to check off those 200 things on your to-do list before your head hits the pillow. You’re just not. The good news, according to today’s guest on the Get […]
Kelly Roach – The One Hour Hack That Can Save Your Business & Your Life
Everyone’s a hustler these days. Everyone wants to brag about their 80 hour work weeks and getting their grind on. But if you’re in sales and it takes you 80 hours a week to make quota, something’s not working right. Odds are it’s you. Kelly Roach, today’s guest on the Get Ya Some Radio Show, is a […]
Give Your Brain A Break With Bruce Langford
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it,” Ferris Bueller. Bruce Langford of Mindfulness Mode joins us on this episode to talk about how we can train our brain to not miss life. We talk about how job performance is intricately related to job satisfaction and your […]
Nice Guys On Business
TEDX, BEER LEAGUE ICE HOCKEY, MEDITATION AND QUITTING DRINKING. We cover all of this and more on the Nice Guys on Business Podcast
The Habits of Highly Successful Sellers
In this episode of Sales Babble, Pat Helmers and I talk about Jerry Seinfeld, Pomodoro, and Flow. If this all sounds unconnected, it’s not! Discover how actions make habits and habits make for success. These are the habits of highly successful sellers. Listen to the show here
We Are Who We Pretend To Be
When I graduated from college I sat down with a legal pad and wrote out my career goals, including, I kid you not, a graph of my income trajectory with data points every 5 years and what kind of car I would be driving at that point in my life. The problem is I never […]
How To Stay Focused When Losing Focus Can Get You Killed
Most of us spend around half our lives lost in thought, wandering around the nooks and crannies in our mind, mostly oblivious to the real world right in front of our nose. We miss exits on the interstate. We walk into rooms with no idea why we did such a thing. And now we’ve all […]
Zen And The Art of Above Ground Pool Maintenance
For years, I hated cleaning the pool. Hated it. It was frustrating. I was constantly thinking to myself and saying out loud to anyone who would listen. “Why am I the one cleaning the pool? I don’t even swim it!” I tried everything to get out of cleaning the pool. For a while we had […]
Meditation For Dummies
I get a lot of strange looks when I tell people that meditating is my favorite part of the day. In some folks’ mind, meditation is about one step removed from witchcraft, devil worship and communism all wrapped up in incense, magic carpets and flowing silk robes. Be one with this, fat boy! But the […]