Sheri Traxler: Keeping Stress Down During The Lockdown
With everybody locked in the house, driving each other crazy, fighting over the bathroom and stress eating every carbohydrate known to mankind, house arrest could get ugly, but Sheri Traxler has a few tips on how to manage the stress and STEP AWAY FROM THE COOKIE! on this special episode of the #GetYaSome Radio Show. […]
The Theory of 5 with Chris Saraceno
“The auto industry can be such a great business,” says Chris Saraceno. “But it also can be a life sentence.” What good is making a living if you’re killing yourself to do it? Today’s guest on the Get Ya Some Radio Show, Chris Saraceno is the VP/Partner in Kelly Automotive and the Best Selling Author of The Theory […]
Jon Dwoskin – Thinking Big & Acting Small
There are a lot of wannabe Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuks on the interwebs these days telling you to hustle harder and dream bigger. But you’re not going to check off those 200 things on your to-do list before your head hits the pillow. You’re just not. The good news, according to today’s guest on the Get […]
Stan Peake – Turning Your Worst Adversity Into Your Greatest Asset
“I’m not going to let a perfectly good broken back go to waste,” he told himself as he lay in the hospital bed with no insurance, no money and no plan. Self proclaimed adrenaline junkie Stan Peake climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, hiked the Inca trail, swam in the open ocean with sharks, and leaped off of a skyscraper. Then […]
Chip Eichelberger – The Subtlety of Failure
This week’s show is a slug fest. Sit down, buckle up, and hang on! I chat with best-selling author and motivational speaker, Chip Eichelberger. Chip was recently named one of the top 5 motivational speakers in the country having earned his chops as a point man and number one salesperson for Tony Robbins. His book, The Smart […]
Planning Your Leap
Yes, If you’re starting a business, you have to make a plan, but eventually you have to take a leap into the unknown. The very heart of entrepreneurship is jumping off a cliff and then learning to fly. Listen in as Melin Isa and I talk about making the plan and taking the leap. Listen […]
1,000+ Days On The Road Running For My Life
That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. – Forrest Gump On December 1st, 2014 I started to run. And I’ve ran every day since. 1,000+ days in a row. In sickness and in health. Come rain or come shine. Come hell or high water. I’ve ran in the […]
Nice Guys On Business
TEDX, BEER LEAGUE ICE HOCKEY, MEDITATION AND QUITTING DRINKING. We cover all of this and more on the Nice Guys on Business Podcast
3 Reasons To Exercise That Don’t Involve Losing Weight, Getting In Shape Or Fitting Into Your Skinny Jeans
America is a funny place. We worship daily at the altar of fitness and beauty. Multi-billion dollar industries flood our airwaves and facebook feeds with images of the beautiful people exercising. They’ll sell us everything we need from thigh masters to gym memberships, from $200 running shoes to the latest and greatest digital doodad that […]
How Itty Bitty, Teeny Weenie, Tiny Little Habits Can Change Your Life
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last,” according to motivational legend Zig Ziglar. “Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” That makes for a nice motivational poster or instagram meme, but it turns out that people are right. Motivation doesn’t last because change is hard and motivation decreases over time as we […]