Stan Peake – Turning Your Worst Adversity Into Your Greatest Asset
"I'm not going to let a perfectly good broken back go to waste," he told himself as he lay in the hospital bed with no insurance, no money and no plan.
Self proclaimed adrenaline junkie Stan Peake climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, hiked the Inca trail, swam in the open ocean with sharks, and leaped off of a skyscraper.
Then he took the ultimate risk.
With young mouths to feed and bills to pay, he gave up a comfortable, secure corporate job with comfortable, secure corporate benefits for life as an entrepreneur only to find himself in that hospital room with two crushed vertebrae mere months later.
That's when Stan discovered that the trials and tribulations that got you where you are, are the exact tools you need to get you where you're going.
In this episode, Stan tells the story of turning adversity into assets that led to his book BREAKThroughs in Success: How A Broken Back Healed A Broken Mind.
We talk about the power of story to build our business. We talk about the interconnection between our personal physical fitness and our professional performance. And we talk about tips we can use to get ourselves into the zone before we get up to bat.
Then Stan offers up a free 30 minute consultation for anyone interested in turning the anchors that weigh you down into the wings that lift you up.
Yum Yum. Get Ya Some!
Connect with Stan Peake
Work With Terry Lancaster

Yum Yum. Get Ya Some.

Sure it's about selling more stuff, but the Get Ya Some Radio Show is mostly about creating health, happiness, and prosperity in your life, building a better business by building a better you.