Automotive Sales Training
When people ask me what I do. The answer is: I help salespeople like you
Double Your Income!
Obviously, the next word out of their mouths is always "HOW?"
And the answer is pretty simple:
Make more friends. Sell more cars.
I teach salespeople how to get more reviews, more referrals and more repeat business by building better, stronger, more authentic customer relationships - online and in real life.
I can help you create an army of car buyers who know like and trust you often before they've ever even met you.
I'm not claiming to be a rocket scientist, but I've been at this awhile and I've helped thousands of car dealers and salespeople connect with millions of customers.

Here's The Problem
The car business has changed more in the last 10 years than it changed in a 100 years before that, and somewhere along the way, we got so caught up managing the clicks, the leads, the BDC, the CRM, the ROI and the whole alphabet soup of shiny objects designed to make us more efficient that we forgot we're in the people business.
Leads and clicks don't buy cars. People buy cars. And they buy them from salespeople.
97% of car buyers would prefer to know their salesperson before they ever step foot on the lot. But hardly any do.
71% of car buyer made their final decision because they liked and trusted their sales person.
But here the stat that keeps me up at night: One year after purchase 9 out of 10 car buyers can't even remember the name of the sales person that sold them their car
And you can't get any referrals or repeat business from someone who can't even remember your name.

Here's My Solution
There are a million sales gurus who will sell you a video, or a seminar to teach you the "magic words" to say in the brief window of time between when the customer submits a lead to some spammy 3rd party website and when they drive off the lot in their new ride.
What I do is work with you 1 on 1 via biweekly video conferences to teach you strategies for attracting customers and developing relationships much, much earlier in the buying process.
I'll help you use social media, in person networking, and good old fashioned prospecting to start creating your opportunities instead of hanging around the dealership waiting on opportunities.
We'll build a foolproof system to keep you top of mind with all your former customers for years to come and generate a river of repeat and referral business.
The kind of customers that are more fun to deal with, close faster with higher grosses and higher CSI scores. Once you get used to selling like this, you'll never go back to chasing internet leads and lot ups.
Call or Text me at 615-212-9228 and let's talk about making the car business fun, about making your paycheck nice, and about a creating a life instead of just making a living.

Bonus Goodie #1
Social Sales has been around a lot longer than Social Media. And it often just boils down to common courtesy. Like sending a Thank You Card to your customers.
The simple postcard may be the most effective, most overlooked tool on the planet for building better customer relationships.
When you sign on as my student, you'll get access to a powerful smartphone app that allows you to send UNLIMITED customized physical postcards right from the palm of your hand.
You can snap a delivery pic and have a customized thank you note in the mail in under 5 minutes - At No Extra Cost - No Postage - No Printing - No Nothing.
Thank You Cards • Birthday Cards • Service Reminders • Anniversary Cards • Holiday Cards • 2nd Tuesday of the Month Cards • UNLIMITED
The fortune is in the follow up and this tool makes following up and standing out as easy as clicking a button!

Bonus Goodie #2
Video is the fastest, most powerful way to grab attention and start building trust and rapport whether you're reaching out to a new lead or touching base with an old friend.
Each of my students gets a FREE video messaging app that makes video follow up as easy as sending an email or text.
But while your competition is sending emails that don't get opened and voice mail messages that don't get heard, you'll be WOWING your customers with personalized videos that stand out, get noticed, and help you sell more cars.
Send welcome messages, customized walk around videos, why buy videos, even requests for reviews and referrals. You'll get immediate notification whenever your customers open your message and watch your video.
And there's nothing for your customer to download, all they have to do is open your email or text message.
Best of all you can send UNLIMITED VIDEO MESSAGES every month all at NO EXTRA COST.

Bonus Goodie #3
Every attendee is granted access to THE LEGENDS LAB, my private social sales training group on Facebook with weekly training videos, 24/7 on-demand archives, and a thriving community of 100's of sales people helping each other.
I don't have all the answers. I don't even know all the questions. But someone in the group has been through exactly what you're struggling with today.
Together, we can help you figure it out.
You'll have a place to try out new messages, new videos, new word tracks before you put them out there for the world to see.
And you'll have an unlimited resource for finding new ideas on those days when the tank is empty and you just can't think of anything to post.

Bonus Goodie #4
Facebook is the best business card you'll ever have.
My students learn to use their Facebook profile as a business card that stays in their customers hands during almost every waking hour, but every business card has to answer 4 important questions. AND it has to not look like crap!
I'll give you FREE custom designed graphics that help your customers know in the BLINK OF AN EYE
Who you are • Where you work • What you do • How they can reach you
You'll get profile header images with that WOW! factor plus custom graphics for your postcards and more all at no extra charge to you.
And they most definitely do not look like crap!

Bonus Goodie #5
You'll get a written summary of every coaching session along with an actual video for you to rewatch 24/7. Anytime you want. Forever.
Each summary will include progress and accountability reports on the key areas that we're working on to grow your network and help you get more reviews, more referrals, and more repeat business.
Plus every coaching session will end with agreed upon Action Steps for you to take before the next session.
You'll have the summary and video to help you remember not to forget your homework.
And I'll be there every session to hold you accountable. To make sure you actually do the work because knowledge without action is nothing more than entertainment.
Bonus Goodie #6
Dealers sign up your sales team for coaching and I'll fly to your store on my dime for a live, in person onboarding and kick off meeting.
Your team will learn
- The strategies used by industry superstar salespeople to sell 1,000+ vehicles a year
- How to get more reviews, more referrals & more repeat business by building better, stronger, more authentic relationships online and in real life.
- How to reach buyers earlier in the buying cycle BEFORE they submitted their info to every spammy 3rd party lead generator and shopped every nickel of gross out of the deal.
- How to close deals 4x faster while getting higher grosses and higher CSI scores
- How to maintain the relationship to get referrals and repeat business for years to come

My Personal Guarantee
The only way this doesn't work is if you don't do the work.
If you show up for the sessions, take the action steps we agree upon, make the connections, post the videos, send the cards...If you'll just do that and you don't earn enough in extra commissions to double or triple the money you paid me, I'll either give your money back or keep working with you FOR FREE until it does.
The bottom line is, if working with me doesn't absolutely change your life and your career, I don't want your money.
It's really just that simple.

Call or Text
If you've got questions, I'll answer them. If you've got concerns, I'll address them.
But the only way to do it is to do it.
When you're 100% confident that a better life, a bigger paycheck, and a more fulfilling career are possible...
When you're 100% committed to making changes in you to make all that come true...
When you're 100% ready to give up average forever and build something amazing...
Pick up the phone and let's get this party started.