Ignore The Voices In Your Head

We don’t really like to talk about the voices in our head. People might get the wrong idea.The truth is most of us have an ongoing narration track running, but the narrator rarely seems to talk about what’s going on right now. More often our inner narrator goes off on a tangent, reliving the past […]

Your Brain Is a Zombie for Sugar

Americans love sugar more than a fat kid loves cake.. actually pretty much exactly the same as a fat kid loves cake. Which is to say… a whole, whole lot. We eat about 100 pounds of sugar each every year. When Hostess filed for bankruptcy last year, we went into a national state of crisis […]

Honey Boo Boo is Killing You

Every hour you spend in front of a TV screen takes another 22 minutes off your life. Hell, Watching the TV is more dangerous than smoking according a recent article in the New York Times. Every cigarette you smoke only gets you out of the old age home 11 minutes faster. If you’re bound and […]

Exercise More: Get Up And Do Something

If you’re not currently leading an active lifestyle, then getting up out of the chair, off the couch, away from the screen and moving around, doing almost anything else just a tiny bit more than you’re up out of the chair, off the couch, away from the screen and moving around, doing almost anything else, […]

A Van Down By The River

Every self-proclaimed self help guru has a story about when they hit rock bottom. Where they were at before they turned their life around. Infomercial super star Don Lapre was living in a tiny one bedroom apartment when he learned how to make a fortune with classified ads. And then there’s Chris Farley’s motivational mastermind […]