BOOK REVIEW: Not Taught by Jim Keenan

Our brain has all kinds of biases that trick us into misreading reality and paying attention to the wrong things. Today’s lesson is on Survivorship Bias. Survivorship Bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that “survived” some process and inadvertently overlooking those that did not because of their lack of […]

Everyone’s Got A Plan Until They Get Punched In the Mouth

On the Giving Voice To Your Story Podcast today, I had the chance to speak with Dorit Sasson about how perfectionism is just fear in disguise. How we plan ourselves into paralysis waiting for the perfect opportunity, waiting for all the pieces to fall into place, waiting until the time is right. Everyone’s Got A […]

Eco Arts Living Podcast

I love this podcast! Eco-Arts Living is about the lives we want versus the lives WE CREATE for ourselves. We spend too much time focusing on what we don’t have the time to do, the skill to do or the money to do. Life is about making the time, finding the space and doing your […]

Read To Lead Podcast

This being a best selling author thing is tough. I spend a lot of time worried that I’m going to be found out. That people are going to figure out that I don’t have my shit any more together than anyone else and I’m just making it all up as I go along. And then […]

How Toastmasters Helped Crush My Fear Of Public Speaking

At the National Automobile Dealer’s Association annual convention, I stepped onto the stage as a speaker tossing fistfulls of dollar bills into the air in front of hundreds of business owners and managers and dazzling them with brilliance throughout my hour long presentation. I knocked it out of the park! That’s how the dream ended […]

Strategies of Success Radio

Thanks to Brian Cohen of the Long Island Speakers Bureau for having me on the Strategies of Success Radio Show today. We talked about setting big goals and taking small steps. We talk about gratitude and happiness. And we talk about how Toastmasters helped me overcome my fears and my failures. Listen to Strategies of […]

Up In Your Business Podcast

The Miracle of Now. All around us everything we see, feel, touch, smell, think or imagine exists as tiny bundles of light, particles of energy popping into and out of existence trillions of time a second, suspended in a constant state of indefinity, neither here nor there, neither now nor then, a slurry of possibility, […]

Becoming BETTER! Healthy Habits That Change Lives and Families

I’ve been surprised by a great many things since my book came out in December – like the huge rush I get from hearing people say they put the ideas into action and made positive changes in their life. I never really thought about how satisfying that would be. Another thing that has taken me […]

1,000+ Days On The Road Running For My Life

That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. – Forrest Gump On December 1st, 2014 I started to run. And I’ve ran every day since. 1,000+ days in a row. In sickness and in health. Come rain or come shine. Come hell or high water. I’ve ran in the […]

The Word #SalesJolt with Keenan

My very first ever Blab appearance, live and in living color (via video), playoff beard and all! Host Jim Keenan and I discuss how habits affect performance, how streaks create ownership and how grandma taught you everything you need to know to crush your sales quota. Oh, and I even lead a 5 minute meditation […]