Get BETTER! Improve Your Life And Business One Small Action At A Time
What does “self help” have to do with business and marketing? Well, don’t let the genre fool you. It has everything to do with business and marketing – from how productive you are to how happy you are and a whole lot in between. Listen To Web.Search.Social Here
How Itty Bitty, Teeny Weenie, Tiny Little Habits Can Change Your Life
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last,” according to motivational legend Zig Ziglar. “Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” That makes for a nice motivational poster or instagram meme, but it turns out that people are right. Motivation doesn’t last because change is hard and motivation decreases over time as we […]
Did Your New Years Resolutions Make it Past The Super Bowl?
A full one third of New Years Resolution fall to the wayside before the end of January according to the productivity experts at FranklinCovey. 9 out of 10 don’t make it through the year. But, the good news is, if you’re going to fail, failing fast is the best possible option. Think of it as […]
3 Reasons You Didn’t Keep Last Year’s Resolutions and This Year’s Are Looking Iffy
You had the best of intentions, didn’t you? You were going to lose weight. You were going make more money. You were going to be nicer to animals and small children. In 2012 you were, finally, at long last, going to get back in shape, turn your life around and be a plain, all around […]