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Books, Philosophy, and the  Irreducible Rascality of Alan Watts

In case you’ve wondered how on God’s green earth someone goes from writing the biggest, loudest, most obnoxious car dealer ads in the history of big, loud obnoxious car dealer ads to writing a neo-spiritual-voodoo-curious epic poem in the style of Dr. Seuss, here’s the rest of the story. Listen in as I chat with Lindsay […]

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Here Come The Nothing Heads

Here Come The Nothing Headswritten by Terry Lancaster narrated by Edoardo Ballerini published by the Coalition for Human Kindness An epic poem for children of all ages, Here Come The Nothing Heads tells the tale of Sneezy McSneezerson, Grouchy McGroucherson, and Fluffy McFlufferson who live in the fanciest pumpkin high atop Pumpkin Ridge until they are banished by […]

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Here Come The Nothing Heads at Landmark Booksellers in Franklin, TN

Signed copies of the best selling zen fairy tale Here Come The Nothing Heads are now available at Landmark Booksellers in Franklin, TN It just doesn’t get more Tennessee than this. Landmark Booksellers is housed in the oldest commercial building in Franklin, TN about twenty miles south of Nashville. Built circa 1808, The Old Factory Store […]

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Zen Audiobooks

Tune in to these zen audiobooks and tune out the noise that keeps you from finding your way home Here Come The Nothing HeadsWritten by Terry Lancaster Narrated by Edoardo Ballerini Published by the Coalition for Human Kindness.Last year, I went down the zen audiobook rabbit hole. I mean all the way down. Up until then, the only audiobooks […]

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Audiobooks for Car Sales

Audiobooks for car sales that keep you learning while the gas is burning. Turn your daily commute into automotive sales training gold. Share 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 The best car cales audiobooksLet’s call it commuter college. The average car salesperson spends about an hour a day getting back and forth from home to the dealership. […]