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Jon Dwoskin – Thinking Big & Acting Small

There are a lot of wannabe Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuks on the interwebs these days telling you to hustle harder and dream bigger. But you’re not going to check off those 200 things on your to-do list before your head hits the pillow. You’re just not. The good news, according to today’s guest on the Get […]

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Planning Your Leap

Yes, If you’re starting a business, you have to make a plan, but eventually you have to take a leap into the unknown. The very heart of entrepreneurship is jumping off a cliff and then learning to fly. Listen in as Melin Isa and I talk about making the plan and taking the leap. Listen […]

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Nice Guys On Business

TEDX, BEER LEAGUE ICE HOCKEY, MEDITATION AND QUITTING DRINKING. We cover all of this and more on the Nice Guys on Business Podcast

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You Are The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” I first heard that quote from motivational speaker Jim Rohn and took it as a warning to choose my friends wisely. There’s probably nothing that has more impact on our health, happiness and prosperity than the people we choose to surround […]

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