Social Sales Training Online

Get more reviews,

more referrals,

and more repeat business

by building better, stronger, more authentic relationships 

- online and in real life.

It's no secret, the internet has turned the sales game upside down.

Today, well over 80% of all purchases begin online.

The big secret though is that the role the salesperson plays in closing the deal is greater than ever before.

No matter how much online research goes into picking the perfect product and finding the lowest price, more often than not it all boils down to a customer sitting across a desk (online or in real life) from a salesperson, looking them in the eye, and trusting them enough to sign on the dotted line.

Customers are using the internet to research products, to research pricing, and to research you. They want to know who they're dealing with. They want to know if they can trust you.

During this live 2 hour online social sales training workshop, you'll learn how to use social media, personal branding, online prospecting, and search engine optimization to make sure that your customers are finding you and hearing the story you need them to hear.... before it's too late.

You have to be on their shopping list

BEFORE they start shopping.

People prefer to do business with people they know, like, and trust. That's nothing new. But today, you possess the greatest device in the history of the universe for making friends and building trust. It's probably in your hands right now... your smartphone.

Customers who have a prior personal relationship with their salesperson are more likely to make a purchase, make purchase decisions faster and with fewer contacts, generate higher margins, express greater post purchase satisfaction, leave better reviews and send more referrals.

This action-packed social sales training workshop will help you capitalize on the unbelievable tools we have available now to connect with more customers, make more friends, and sell more stuff.

You'll learn how to:

• Reach shoppers earlier in the buying process BEFORE they’ve scoured the internet researching you AND the competition ; BEFORE they've submitted their contact info to every scammy competitor with a shiny web page.

• Generate your own book of business instead of standing around the office waiting for the phone to ring.

• Build an army of buyers who know, like, and trust you before they've ever even met you.

• Emphasize the right words and the right pictures on Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram and everywhere else so that you stand out, get noticed and sell more.

The cold hard truth is knowledge without action is just entertainment. 

For the most part, we don't have a knowing problem. We all KNOW what we should be doing. We have a DOING problem. Getting started is the hard part, and staying at it ain't no picnic.

That's why in this workshop we jump in with both feet to get you started RIGHT FREAKING NOW creating more connections, building your network, and making more friends. Your best bet is to watch the webinar on your computer and keep your phone free to do the work.

Most importantly, we dive into the science of habit formation so that the action steps you put into place at the workshop can be repeated the day after and again the day after that until they become second nature.

Plus every attendee is granted access to my private social sales training group with weekly training videos, 24/7 on-demand archives, and a thriving community of 100's of sales people helping each other. It's not a magic trick and there's no easy button, you have to do the work. So we hold you accountable for actually doing the work.

Bonus Goodie #1

Video is the fastest, most powerful way to grab attention and start building trust and rapport whether you're reaching out to a new lead or touching base with an old friend.

Each of my students gets a FREE 30 DAY TRIAL of my favorite video messaging app that makes video follow up as easy as sending an email or text.

But while your competition is sending emails that don't get opened and voice mail messages that don't get heard, you'll be WOWING your customers with personalized videos that stand out, get noticed, and help you close more deals.

Send welcome messages, customized product demo videos, why buy videos, even requests for reviews and referrals. You'll get immediate notification whenever your customers open your message and watch your video.

And there's nothing for your customer to download, all they have to do is open your email or text message.

Best of all you can send UNLIMITED VIDEO MESSAGES  all month long at NO EXTRA COST.

Bonus Goodie #2

Facebook is the best business card you'll ever have. 

My students learn to use their Facebook profile as a business card that stays in their customers hands during almost every waking hour, but every business card has to answer 4 important questions. 

Who you are • Where you work • What you do • How they can reach you

As a bonus for attending this live social sales training webinar, I'll give you a FREE custom designed graphic that answers those questions for your your customers in the BLINK OF AN EYE

You'll get a profile header image with that WOW! factor at no extra charge.

Bonus Goodie #3

The fortune is in the follow up. If that's the only thing you learn from me, you're already miles ahead of the competition.

Sure I could just post a video up on the internet for you to watch and call that social sales training, but like 90% of all sales training it would just go in one ear and out the other  - never getting put into action.

That's why I FOLLOW UP and hold everyone who attends my live training ACCOUNTABLE.

In the weeks following the webinar, we'll book a 1 on 1 personal strategy session, just you and me, and do a deep dive into your profiles, your situation, your strategy.

We'll put together a custom plan of action that works for you.

If you've got questions, I'll answer them. If you've got concerns, I'll address them.

All at no extra charge

Who the $%#@! is Terry Lancaster?

I’ve worked with thousands of successful salespeople and entrepreneurs offering proven strategies for making the cash register ring. I've written two #1 best selling books with glowing reviews from around the world thanking me for the understandable, actionable, life-changing ideas and stories.

I’ve been featured in Forbes, Automotive News, and countless other publications. I've spoken from the TedX stage, at national, regional, and state conventions, and I've been paid thousands of dollars to teach the exact strategies I'll teach during this online social sales training workshop.

This ain't my first rodeo, and I know for a fact this stuff works. The only way it doesn't work is if you don't.

If you show up for the webinar, take the action steps, make the connections, post the videos, send the cards, and follow up with me...If you'll do that...

I personally GUARANTEE that you'll earn TEN TIMES the money you paid me or I'll give your money back. Every penny.

The bottom line is, if working with me doesn't absolutely change your life and your career, I don't want your money.

It's really just that simple.
