BETTER! Self Help For The Rest Of Us
BETTER! Self Help For The Rest Of Us
Health & Fitness for those of us without six pack abs. Wealth & Prosperity for those of us who are neither rich nor famous. Happiness & Joy for those of us born without a permanent smile on our lips.
We don’t have to be perfect.
We can be healthier. We can be happier. And we can be more prosperous. We Can Be BETTER!
Starting right now. Starting right where we are.
There’s plenty of people selling you get rich quick and get skinny quicker plans. Devices. Contraptions.
We’ve got plenty of people preaching willpower and motivation as the key to success when it turns out habit and focus are infinitely more valuable.
BETTER! shows you how to use the science behind habit formation to twist the dials on your life and see what makes you tick better. How you can improve your life one better decision at a time.
Exercise. Nutrition. Focus. Productivity. Gratitude.
And most importantly BETTER! shows you the amazing transformative power of action. How getting off the couch and actually doing SOMETHING will solve almost every problem in your life. Knowing what to do isn’t enough. Knowledge without action is just entertainment. The only way to do it is to do it.
I’m asking you to take action now. Reserve your FREE copy of my new book BETTER! Self Help For The Rest Of Us.
BETTER! will be released in December. But if you reserve your copy now, I’ll let you download CHAPTER 1 today and include the 10 Point Action Plan of things you can do right now to start making your life BETTER!
It’s simple but it ain’t easy. You can’t change your life without changing your lifestyle. It’s going to take effort and a whole new mindset. I hope BETTER! helps you with the mindset.
The effort? That’s all on you.
Terry Lancaster is the VP of Making Sh!t Happen at Instant Events Automotive Advertising. He writes and speaks about marketing, entrepreneurship and personal performance – i.e. selling more stuff, making more money and being better at what you do and who you are. He is a husband, a father and a Beer League Hockey All Star, as if there could ever be such a thing.