Kathi Kruse – Your Passion Attracts Your People

One size fits all may work for discount store sweatpants, but when it comes to sales people and businesses, different gets noticed.

Automotive consultant Kathi Kruse and I talk about using your passion to separate yourself from the sea of sameness.

Unless you've got Super Bowl ad money, you're going to have to budget yourself. You have to budget your money and you have to budget your time. The best way to do that is use the unique you to attract a tribe of like minded customers.

We talk about the three things that make every salesperson unique.

We talk about greeting today's customers where they are and we talk about picking your battles and using the social medium that scares you least.

We talk about how to sell on social media without seeming salesy.

And I come out of the closet and talk about yoga and mindfulness and how they can improve your ability to connect with customers on a deeper, authentic, compassionate, and human level.

Most importantly we talk about how you can win a copy of her book Automotive Social Business 2.0 (hint: click that big red subscribe button).

"Not everybody is right for everybody." Your passion attracts your people @KathiKruse @TerryLancaster #CarBiz

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Work With Terry Lancaster