How To Sell More Cars
How To Sell More Cars.
Make More Money.
And Have More Fun.
Learn how to sell more cars, boost customer satisfaction and retention, earn more repeat and referral business, cut expenses, and activate your dealership's secret weapon for marketing.
I've helped thousands of car dealers sell millions of cars by putting the right words in the right order to tell the right story.
"How To Sell More Cars by Terry Lancaster, is a gem of a book, it’s a quick read jam packed full of automotive marketing insight." - James Merrill, Schaller Acura
When you sell cars for a living, the world is a target rich environment. Everybody is a buyer. But most people in the car business spend the overwhelming majority of their time, energy and marketing budget talking to the low hanging fruit. The 1%-2% of the market who walk in the door waving money around or fill out a lead form on someone else's website.
This #1 best selling car sales book will help automotive sales people thrive in today's modern social selling environment by building real human connections with the other 98%.
Being you is your superpower.
Today’s successful salesperson has to take on much more responsibility for marketing themselves, creating their own network of buyers, building relationships earlier in the buying process, and maintaining those relationships longer to build repeat and referral business.

This spring get radio and TV ads for your automotive dealership that stand out from the crowd and cut through the clutter like fresh flowers in a field full of weedsSpring Radio & TV Spots for Car DealersThis spring get

It ain't rocket science. It's car sales, and it doesn't have to be hard.In his new book, Ridiculously Simple Car Selling, Steve Stauning and co-author Carson Stauning say that if you're ready to put in the work, you can sell

Pre-Roll Video Ads for Car DealersPre-Roll Video Ads for Car DealersClose More Car Sales Listen in on another How To Sell More Cars podcast conversation.We talk about how to close more car deals with special guest Chris Martinez, former Platform Director at
A New Kind of Automotive Sales Training Event
45 minutes of KAPOWW!!
The sad truth is most sales training goes in one ear and out the other because most sales training is about as plain as yellow pudding.
My virtual sale training program is more like chocolate covered fireworks with bacon and espresso sprinkles. It's more like a game show than a training meeting.
Put me on screen in front of your team for the next sales meeting, and if this isn't the most exciting, engaging, effective sales training your team has ever attended, keep your money.
We'll spend 45 minutes talking the talk, walking the walk, and making big things happen.
When it's over your team will be equipped with new tools, new strategies, and new habits to help them make more friends & sell more cars.

5 ways to sell more cars with automotive radio advertising that gets noticed, gets remembered, and gets them on the lot... pronto! #HowToSellMoreCars How To Sell More Cars with Radio Advertising Recorded live in the How To Sell More Cars Town

We've got a poll going on now in the How To Sell More Cars Town Hall on Facebook:What are the best car sales books... ever?Show up & Chime In!How To Sell More Carsby Terry LancasterI'm setting out on a search

I've helped thousands of dealers sell millions of cars by putting the right words in the right order to tell the right story. How can I help you tell yours? Click here to schedule a free 25 minute get-to-know-each-other conversation and

Radio & TV Spots
that stand out, get noticed and sell more cars.
I've written more automotive radio spots and TV commercials than any other human being on this planet or any other as far as I know.
Of course, I have no way of verifying that, but I'd bet good money on it. My ballpark estimate is 10,000 car dealer commercials.
Whether your message about your giant 72 hour sale this weekend only or you want to tell the world how you make every car deal fast, fun, friendly and fair.
I'm your huckleberry. Let's talk about getting your message out.

Sell 30 cars a month by talking to strangers and turning past customers into lifelong friends with prospecting tools.For more free car sales training subscribe to the How To Sell More Cars podcast at youtube, amazon, apple, iheart, or linkedIn How to sell 30 cars a

When today's guest hires a new automotive salesperson the first question he asks is "How many people do you have in your pipeline?" How many names and phone numbers can you write down on a piece of paper? Basically, how

#1 Best Selling Car Sales Book - How To Sell More Cars How do you sell 100+ cars a month, every single month? Easy, says Frank Crinite of Piazza Honda of Springfield, today's guest on The Get Ya Some Radio

Content Creation For Car Dealerships
If you want to create better, more engaging, conversation starting content, you have to first decide what story you want to tell, then create more content that spreads that message regardless of format or delivery platform.
I can help your store find those stories, and create that content.
I'll interview you, your employees, your customers, and the charities you support.
I'll write the blog posts, create the images, and share the videos.
I'll show your team how to sell more cars by making more friends and sharing your stories with them.
I'll find your people, and I'll lift them up.

Listen in on another How To Sell More Cars podcast conversation.We talk about how to close more car deals with special guest Chris Martinez, former Platform Director at Jackie Cooper Imports in Tulsa and author of The Closer: The Automotive Professional's Guide

Audiobooks for car sales that keep you learning while the gas is burning. Turn your daily commute into automotive sales training gold.The best car cales audiobooksLet's call it commuter college.The average car salesperson spends about an hour a day getting

The Definitive Guide to F & IHow the choices your dealership makes in choosing, training, and rewarding your F & I department can boost your profits, improve your customer satisfaction, and skyrocket your customer retention.Five-time best-selling author and former general manager Max
Increase Customer Retention
Improve Customer Satisfaction
Build Better Customer Relationships
You've got a CRM, sure, a customer relationship manager, but is your CRM really building better relationships with your customers? Is it helping you bring customers back in for service? For sales? Does your CRM generate referrals.
If your CRM has your team checking boxes on their to do list instead of checking in with their customers, The Show The Love 365 Customer Retention system can help bring customers back by making sure your dealership shows up in their mailbox, on their refrigerator, and at the top of their shopping list... 365 days a year.
If you want to keep customers in your life, your dealership better keep showing up in theirs.
• Thank You Cards & Gifts • First Service Reminders
• Birthday Cards • Christmas Cards
• Newsletters • Sports Schedules
• Calendars • Recipes

Car dealer marketing ideas, strategies & success stories from the pages of Dealer Marketing Magazine and Expert Panel member Terry Lancaster Dealer Marketing Magazine For the past two decades, I've been a contributor and Dealer Marketing Expert Panel member for

Strategies we can put into action to sell more cars at a dealership right now - not how it was back in the good ol' days, not how it's gonna be in a few years unless we do this, that

Summer car dealer ads that let your customers know how they can spend less time shopping for a new ride this summer and more time enjoying it.Automotive radio advertising that cures your dealership's summertime bluesSummer was made listening to the

Listen In on the HOW TO SELL MORE CARS podcast as Kathi Kruse and Mike TheCarGuy Correra talk about how in today's automotive marketing world, the only constant is change itself.Automotive Marketing Anarchy & Guilty PleasuresSubscribe to the How To

Memorial Day kicks off the summer sales season for US car dealers. Get radio & TV advertising, direct mail, email blasts, event decorations & more.Radio Spots for Memorial Day Automotive Sales EventsYour customers have been stuck inside for months, waiting

Used car dealer marketing that breaks through the noise, makes things happen, gets remembered and gets talked about. #HowToSellMoreCarsUsed Car Dealer Marketing Ideas on the How To Sell More Cars Podcastrecorded live 4.5.23 in the How To Sell More Cars

Who the #@&$! is Terry Lancaster?
I help automotive dealerships sell more cars, make more money, get more reviews, more referrals, and more repeat business by building deeper, stronger, more authentic customer relationships.
I’ve worked with thousands of dealer principals, managers, and salespeople providing proven strategies for making the cash register ring.
My #1 best selling books have received glowing reviews from around the world thanking me for the actionable, life-changing ideas they present.
I’ve been featured in Automotive News, Dealer Marketing Magazine and Forbes, spoken from the TedX stage and at national conventions for the automotive and broadcasting industries, plus I came in second place at my Eighth Grade debate championship.
I've had a gun held to my head and a knife held to my throat.
I've survived Cancer... twice. I've been inside a building that was hit by a tornado, onboard a boat that sank and a plane that dropped a mile out of the sky in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. I lived through three teenage daughters and I've been married over 30 years... in a row!
When I'm not battling for truth, justice and the American Way, I spend most of my free time, like every other middle-aged, overweight, native southerner, at the ice rink playing hockey.
That's my story. Let's have a chat so you can tell me yours.